CHCS Perspectives Summer/Fall 2013
S tanley Wilson, Ed.D., associate dean of academic affairs for the College of Health Care Sciences, has been with Nova Southeastern University for 16 years and has con- tributed a fresh outlook since his arrival. With an educational background centered on physical ther- apy, Dr. Wilson earned his bachelor’s degree from Howard Uni- versity, his master’s degree from St. Thomas University, and his doctoral degree from Florida International University. During his stint as a physical therapy professor, Dr. Wilson has held positions at multiple institutions, including Florida International University and Howard University. He began teaching physical therapy at Florida International University in 1990 and then came to Nova Southeastern University in 1996. During a brief tenure away from NSU, Dr. Wilson served as chair of the Howard University Physical Therapy Program in 2002-03 and then returned to NSU. From 2003 through 2009, he served as chair of the NSU Physical Ther- apy Program and began his position as associate dean of aca- demic affairs in 2009. As associate dean of academic affairs, Dr. Wilson’s primary responsibility is to ensure that the policies and procedures within the College of Health Care Sciences are in agreement with uni- versity policy for the well-being of students and faculty members. His role includes developing policies and procedures for students and faculty members that are pertinent to the various programs within the college. Dr. Wilson oversees all academic programs within the college, ensuring they are foundationally sound and con- tinually maintaining their integrity. Dr. Wilson has established three major goals while serving as associate dean of academic affairs. These goals include • ensuring students receive the best instruction NSU can offer • guaranteeing that the integrity of the academic processes are sound, forward-thinking, and of the highest quality • ensuring that faculty members are operating at the highest level for the benefit of the students, which includes ensuring they receive the best training, best classroom tools, and are able to deliver the best programming for CHCS’ students
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