CHCS Perspectives Summer/Fall 2013

PERSPECTIVES • SUMMER-FALL 2013 – Page 15 For the first time in their history, the various CHCS student government associations have been given the opportunity to partner with the Office of Career Development to provide advisement services, interview skills, pro- fessional development, and other career services to Health Professions Di- vision students. The Office of Career Development’s main office is located on the fourth floor of the Alvin Sherman Library, while a secondary site is temporarily located in room 1140 of the Terry Building. This allows HPD students the opportunity to meet with a career adviser every Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. to discuss their career goals. In addition, our knowledgeable career advisers also extend their services to the CHCS regional campuses through the interactive career-advisement appointments done by Skype. These appointments allow students to record mock interviews to reflect on real-life interview skills that are essential for job candidates. The Office of Career Development also guides students in choosing a major, finding a job, creating a resume and CV, and much more. Throughout a student’s ca- reer path, these services provide not only assistance with career building but also an experience that guides successful leaders. The College of Health Care Sciences (formerly the College of Allied Health and Nursing) petitioned the Alpha Eta Society na- tional office in 2008 to form a chapter at NSU. Approved as the 68 th chapter since the society’s founding in 1975, the college’s de- partment chairs organized as the initial Alpha Eta Executive Com- mittee, established chapter bylaws, formally created the Nu Sigma Upsilon chapter (Health Care Sciences National Honor Society), and prepared for the induction of its first members. The initial chapter officers were Stanley Wilson, Ed.D., associate dean of ac- ademic affairs, as president, and Bill Marquardt, M.A., PA-C, as- sociate dean of physician assistant education, as secretary/treasurer. In August 2009, in conjunction with the college’s commencement activities, 75 charter faculty members, students, and alumni mem- bers representing all eligible departments were in- ducted. Subsequent induction ceremonies have taken place at each of the commencements, with the chapter membership now standing at 217. Dedicated to support scholarship, service, and professional leadership, the chapter has sustained a number of CHCS and Health Professions Division (HPD) activities, including HPD Research Day, the Health Professions Educational Research Sympo- sium (HPERS), and the recent Affordable Care Act Symposium held at the HPD. In 2012, the Richard E. Davis Awards Program was organized in honor of Dr. Davis’ support and leadership in organizing the Alpha Eta chapter at NSU. An awards committee was appointed and policies/proce- dures for annual awards recognizing outstanding achievements by chapter members in the areas of leadership, scholarship, and serv- ice were established. In April 2013, the initial recipients were announced and included Alicia Fernandez-Fernandez, D.P.T., Ph.D., assistant professor (scholarship) and Hugh Rappa, M.D., Physician Assistant Program academic director (service). A formal recognition display for the Nu Sigma Upsilon chapter and its annual awards recipients is located in the common area on the second floor of the Terry Building. With the growth of the college and expansion onto several cam- puses, the Nu Sigma Upsilon chapter hopes to have active members and support service projects and scholarship efforts at all locations. ALPHA ETA SOCIETY Career Development Takes Flight in HPD By Wendy Burrion, B.A., Program Coordinator of Student Affairs