Perspectives Inaugural Issue (Winter 2013)

PERSPECTIVES • WINTER/SPRING 2013 9 The MAC has also played a large role in educating students by sharing information about Women’s History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, and Native American history. Re- cently, the committee celebrated men in health care by highlighting different male health care professionals that have paved the way within the fields in which the CHCS students now study. A recent event was the LGBT Safe Zones training workshop, in which students as well as faculty and staff members were invited to learn how to be both aware and un- derstanding as they serve the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender population as health care professionals." There is representation from each of the programs within the CHCS in the Multicultural Affairs Committee. The committee is always eager to hear new suggestions from anyone as to how to improve, including what kinds of events would be appealing and how to continue to foster a spirit of rich diversity. If you have any questions, comments, or con- tributions, please send an email to . Defining Diversity continued... With its catchy name and focused mission, the GPS series has already positively impacted CHCS students with its seminars geared toward student success. The GPS series is sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs, which co- ordinates these seminars on a monthly basis. Students from all college programs are invited to attend the semi- nars, which include free lunch. The first GPS seminar, entitled “It’s About Time,” attracted over 70 students and was focused on time management and organizing one’s life in order to get things accomplished. Seminars such as this provide students practical advice they can apply to their everyday lives. Comments were culled from a survey taken from the first GPS series on time management, which allowed partici- pating students to anonymously provide the following feedback: “Good study, time management, and test-tak- ing tips were presented to help with success,” “Enjoyed it a lot! Very helpful,” and “I will put into practice what I learned.” ADDITIONAL GPS SESSIONS THAT WERE HELD: “Making the Grade” – Strategies for Test Taking and Studying in the CHCS “Current Trends in Health Care Public Policy” – Learn from a panel of health care professionals about the growing trends affecting the health care system today “Young, Fabulous, and Broke” – Learn from experts about the best ways to manage your personal finances, develop a savings plan, and prepare for the future GPS: Graduate and Professional Success Series On August 22, 2012, new students in the Audiology and Vascular Sonog- raphy programs were welcomed into the Chancellor’s Dining Room in the Terry Building at NSU’s main cam- pus in Davie to participate in a com- prehensive orientation event. Twenty-two students embarked on their journey to pursue their Doctor of Audiology degree, while 15 stu- dents began pursuing their Bachelor of Health Science degree, specializ- ing in Vascular Sonography. New students from across Florida, various U.S. states, and internation- ally attended, with one coming from as far as China. During the in- formation-packed orientation, stu- dents, family members, and friends attentively listened as representa- tives from the Office of Student Af- fairs provided details about life at NSU and getting involved, aca- demic/professional success, and campus resources. Fred Lippman, R.Ph., Ed.D., who serves as chancellor of the Health Professions Division, made an ap- pearance and welcomed the new stu- dents. Following lunch, family members and friends were invited to attend a separate informational ses- sion about how to support their NSU graduate students. Overall, the orientation event was a major success thanks to representa- tion from many NSU departments, which proved to be quite valuable. During the orientation event, a panel featuring representatives from cam- pus safety, human resources, the Counseling and Testing Center, stu- dent affairs, and the financial aid de- partment were on hand to disseminate information and answer questions. Second- and third-year students currently enrolled in the various CHCS programs were also present to answer questions and share their experiences. Orientation Offers Warm Welcome to Incoming Students STUDENT AFFAIRS