Perspectives Inaugural Issue (Winter 2013)

PERSPECTIVES • WINTER/SPRING 2013 7 Dr. Terry Morrow has been affiliated with Nova South- eastern University for 11 years. Prior to joining the Col- lege of Health Care Sciences in February 2011, she served as NSU’s director of student leadership and civic engage- ment, where she oversaw leadership development, civic engagement, spiritual life, multicultural affairs, student government, international student affairs, and NSU Com- munityFest. Dr. Morrow leads her team in fulfilling the CHCS Office of Student Affairs’ mission of “promoting student success and development in an engaging univer- sity community.” She is continuously looking for ways to engage students as well as faculty and staff members in collaborative initiatives that make a positive impact and promote professional leadership and civic skills. In the past year, interdisciplinary teams have been developed to create new initiatives, including the Live Empowered Di- abetes Community Education Initiative, the Student Suc- cess Task Force, the College of Health Care Sciences’ Writing Center, the CHCS Annual Picnic, the Graduate Professional Success Series, and ongoing SGA trainings. Jonathon May has been with NSU for four years, al- though this is his first year working in the Office of Student Affairs. He previously worked on the other side of campus in the Office of Orientation and Commuter Student In- volvement. May, who assists with the college’s orientation process, the Graduate Professional Success Series, and the Student Government Association, also helps plan many of the college’s traditional events. He is excited about his new position because this is the first time he’s been able to work with health care students. In the short time he has been with the college, he’s learned quite a bit about what students in the Health Professions Division need in terms of programs, services, and resources. Wendy Burrion , who has worked in the Office of Stu- dent Affairs for two years, oversees immunization records, background checks, and drug tests for all students within the College of Health Care Sciences in addition to over- seeing accounts and billing for all programs within the CHCS. She coordinates CHCS events such as the Dean’s Lunch, orientation, Multicultural Affairs Committee (MAC) events, and the Graduate Professional Success Se- ries. One of the aspects Burrion enjoys about her job in the Office of Student Affairs is watching students grow. She gets to observe the transformation that begins when new students come for orientation until the time they leave with their degrees at graduation. She also enjoys her interactions with the students, being engaged with them at different events, counseling them with their issues, encouraging them, and providing them with the necessary resources. Judith Lynch is the newest addition to the Office of Stu- dent Affairs. She is a work-study student in the Doctor of Audiology program and enjoys working with the team to implement meaningful and beneficial programs and serv- ices within the college. TERRY MORROW, PH.D. ASSISTANT DEAN OF STUDENT AFFAIRS JONATHON MAY, M.A. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF STUDENT AFFAIRS WENDY BURRION, B.A. PROGRAM COORDINATOR OF STUDENT AFFAIRS JUDITH LYNCH, B.S., B.A. GRADUATE ASSISTANT FOR THE OFFICE OF STUDENT AFFAIRS GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH THE OFFICE OF STUDENT AFFAIRS