Perspectives Inaugural Issue (Winter 2013)

PERSPECTIVES • WINTER/SPRING 2013 6 college endeavors to advance research, scholarship, and the development of leadership skills utilizing traditional educa- tional methods, distance learning, and innovative combina- tions of both to achieve its educational goals.” Service and leadership development are important elements of the College of Health Care Science’s mission and priori- ties. In January 2013, the college initiated its first CHCS Leadership and Management Academy cohort. “Within an ac- ademic setting, there are many instances when both skill sets are needed to provide an optimal environment for academic role success,” said Sandee Dunbar, D.P.A., OTR/L, assistant dean for professional development and education. “Faculty members are often given the responsibility of leadership for committee work, motivating a group of students, developing innovative teaching/learning strategies, and creating service learning opportunities, to name a few. They are also responsi- ble for managing various projects and may benefit from in- creased knowledge in this area for best results.” This capacity-building initiative is designed to strengthen the leadership and management skills of current managers, di- rectors, chairs, and faculty members. Additionally, the acad- emy will eventually serve the community by training preceptors, clinical educators, and non-NSU faculty mem- bers who also seek to advance their professional develop- ment in these areas. The College of Health Care Sciences is committed to prepar- ing students and faculty members to serve as leaders in their chosen field of practice. Through high-quality and capacity- building initiatives such as the Teaching and Learning Acad- emy and the Leadership Management Academy, the college is empowering faculty members to serve students, the college, their profession, and NSU. Through the research grants initia- tive, faculty members can secure valuable funding and sup- port to tackle important research projects in their professions and in our community. As a result of our continued partnerships between faculty members, students, the community, and administration, we believe we are creating a dynamic academic and collegial en- vironment where we can collectively learn, lead, and serve. For more information about the CHCS Teaching and Learning Academy, please visit learning/course_description.html. For more information about CHCS research grants, please visit learning/course_description.html. For more information about the CHCS Leadership and Management Academy, please visit management/index.html. Cover Story...A Commitment to Teaching, Scholarship, and Service “Our vision is to create a thriving learning community for all faculty members so they can significantly impact student learning and success.” ...Dr. Stanley Wilson