Perspectives Inaugural Issue (Winter 2013)

PERSPECTIVES • WINTER/SPRING 2013 37 Teri Hamill, Ph.D. , a professor in the Department of Audiol- ogy, recently returned from her six-month sabbatical. During her study leave, Dr. Hamill’s primary project focused on ag- gregating audiology case-study materials for use in problem- based learning instruction. Dr. Hamill organized these cases into an online presentation for- mat and developed instructor guides for use by all audiology programs. She collected a wide variety of cases during the year before her sabbatical began from the NSU clinic and so- licited information from CHSC alumni from across tåhe coun- try. This has resulted in over 300 cases divided into 10 cate- gories. Over the past several months, the Department of Au- diology has been piloting this educationally successful proj- ect and plans to release it to other U.S. audiology programs in the near future. AUDIOLOGY • FORT LAUDERDALE Dean’s and Chancellor’s Lists CHANCELLOR’S LIST Sandra Yampolsky (2013) Paige Aufseeser (2014) Sherry Rauh (2015) DEAN’S LIST – CLASS OF 2013 Lindsey Braziller Shelby Campbell Maria Grijalva Erika Hendrickson Jennifer Lightfoot Mario Salazar Tanya Stathopoulos Geoffrey Waite DEAN’S LIST – CLASS OF 2014 Erin Campbell Yoko Fujimoto Erin Hattey Brianna Kuzbyt Chelsea Nava Annie Rodriguez Diana Russell Lauren Solliday Ania Tomasik Alexandra Wheeler DEAN’S LIST – CLASS OF 2015 Alexis Cohan Faria Elbabour Ryan Malkiewicz Viviana Martinez Tegest Nuguse Vjolka Zaka AUDIOLOGY FAMILY Updates Points of Pride Dr. Teri Hamill Develops Audiology Case Study Database Zachary Michael The new Hearing and Balance Clinic and Audiology Student Lab , which had been in de- velopment for a year, finally became a reality last September. The new facilities are located on the first floor of the Sanford L. Ziff Health Care Center located at NSU’s main campus. New Audiology Facilities Tina Stern, Au.D. , 2012 alumna, and her husband welcomed son Zachary Michael on June 25, who weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces and was 19½ inches long. Class of 2007 graduates Melissa Mourek Raterman, Au.D. , and Kyle Raterman, Au.D. , welcomed their second child, Hannah Elizabeth, on February 9, 2012. She joined big brother, Owen, who is four years old. Kate Opie Wooten, Au.D. , 2012 alumna, and her husband welcomed Everett Joseph on June 20, who weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces and was 21½ inches long. Hannah Elizabeth and Owen