Perspectives Inaugural Issue (Winter 2013)

PERSPECTIVES • WINTER/SPRING 2013 24 The Occupational Therapy Department has added several new faculty faces to its growing family that bring a diversity of ex- periences to the department and will greatly add to the richness of education for occupational therapy students. The new faculty members are Rebecca Estes, Ph.D., OTR/L, CAPS , associate profes- sor; Allison Herman, M.P.H., OTR/L , assistant professor and academic fieldwork coordinator; Wendy Stav, Ph.D., OTR/L, SCDCM, FAOTA , chair and professor; and Sandra Winkler, Ph.D., OTR/L , as- sistant professor and faculty researcher. Dr. Estes earned her master’s degree in Oc- cupational Therapy from Texas Woman’s University and completed a Ph.D. in Neu- roscience at the University of Texas at Dal- las. Dr. Estes has over 15 years of teaching experience in academia and joins the oc- cupational therapy faculty from her most recent appointment at the University of Southern Alabama. She focuses her schol- arship interests in the areas of treatment of adults with neurological conditions, aging in place, assistive technology, and er- gonomics/universal design. Herman earned her occupational therapy degree from the University of Florida and is also an alumna of NSU’s College of Os- teopathic Medicine, where she earned her Master of Public Health degree. She con- tributes a wealth of experience from clini- cal settings as well as academia, which combine with her compassion for students and charisma for her role as an academic fieldwork educator. Dr. Stav is no stranger to NSU as she is an alumna who earned her Ph.D. in Occu- pational Therapy from the College of Health Care Sciences and completed her bachelor’s degree in Occupational Ther- apy from Quinnipiac University in Ham- den, Connecticut. Her area of scholarship is driving and community mobility across the lifespan. Dr. Winkler, who has a designated research focus, earned her bachelor’s degree in Oc- cupational Therapy from the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington, a master’s degree in Special Education from New Mexico Highlands University, and a Ph.D. in Health and Rehabilitation Science from the University of Pittsburgh. She is an experienced researcher and grant writer with extensive research training and grant awards who previously worked as a re- search health scientist with the Miami Vet- erans Administration. ...NEWS BRIEF... In May 2012, four second-year Master of Oc- cupational Therapy students took a trip abroad to the University College Cork in Ire- land with assistant professors Adrienne Lauer, Ed.D., and Kristin Winston, Ph.D., as part of the leadership and fieldwork course entitled OCT – 6350 Professionalism and Leadership . They also visited the National Education Center for Blind Children in Dublin as well as with Trinity College faculty members and students during their educa- tional expedition. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY • FORT LAUDERDALE Meet the New Faces of Occupational Therapy NSU students with the University College Cork students at their Research Poster Presentation Day. To learn more about the students’ trip to Ireland, please read the article on page 31 entitled “M.O.T. Leadership Fieldwork in Ireland.”