Perspectives Inaugural Issue (Winter 2013)

PERSPECTIVES • WINTER/SPRING 2013 19 Our first- and second-year students worked diligently on Project S.E.E.D. (Serving Everyone Embracing Diversity) to prepare for the Second Annual Health Fair in Immokalee, Florida, which was held November 4. In addition to the distribution of protective eyewear for farmworkers, the students conducted blood pressure and blood glu- cose screenings and handed out nutritional information. A new addi- tion to the health fair was the Radiology Regional Mammogram Screening Mobile Unit and the Ronald McDonald Dental Screening Mobile Unit. Project S.E.E.D. will be featured in the first edition of the nationally distributed newsletter series of the National Service Project Work Group. This newsletter series shares information about the impor- tance of service projects, how to start a service project, sharing serv- ice project ideas, and highlighting programs and projects that have been started by students. The FloridaAcademy of PhysicianAssistants Committee on Diversity and Project S.E.E.D. are collaboratively developing Project S.E.E.D. – The Next Generation, which is a mentorship program aimed at re- cruiting and retaining minorities into the profession. The aforemen- tioned project will be featured in the next issue of Perspectives . After completing their didactic year, the students comprising the class of 2013 were excited to start their clinical rotations. Before doing so, some of the students packed their bags and headed to the Dominican Republic on a medical mission trip held August 5 through 15. In the humanitarian spirit that this class is known for, the participating students joined The Village Mountain Mission Project to help build homes and work with local community health workers (healers) to provide much-needed medical services. They returned with a renewed passion to fulfill their calling as physician assis- tants and continually represent the NSU core value of community service, both locally and abroad. Medical Mission to the Dominican Republic Project S.E.E.D. Assists in Immokalee Pamela Ledward, M.M.S., PA-C, who is a 2009 graduate of the NSU Southwest Florida Physician Assistant (NSU/SWFL) Pro- gram, has served as a physician assistant in family medicine in Fort Myers, Florida, since graduating from the program. She also serves as a clinical preceptor in family medicine for the NSU/SWFL program. Her students and patients describe her as a compassionate, caring, and extremely knowledgeable clinician. She is an active member of the Florida Academy of Physician Assistants and is currently the chair of its Committee on Diversity. The committee has partnered with the NSU/SWFL Physician As- sistant Program to sponsor the Project S.E.E.D. Health Fair and develop the project. Ledward truly embodies the mission and spirit of the NSU/SWFL Physician Assistant Program. Alumni Spotlight: Pamela Ledward Please visit to access updates and additional information. PA • FORT MYERS