Perspectives Winter/Spring 2019

NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY | 35 conference, while Denver Tyler-Palmer moderat- ed a session. Additionally, graduate students Cara Axelrod, Victoria Burgess, and Anya Ellerbroek presented their research. Axelrod gave a podium presentation and participated in the data blitz— also known as the fastest 60 seconds of science. The symposium is a shining example of one of the many notable aspects the NSU Exercise and Sport Science Program provides for its students. The involvement undergraduates have with the professors’ research is unmatched in the country. Participating students experience the full process of scholarship, including the birth of an idea, CITI training, writing an Institutional Review Board application, recruiting subjects, collecting data, interpreting results, formulating a discussion, and presenting at an international conference. Students also learn the importance of social interaction with professionals and alumni in the field. In 2018, approximately eight alumni attended the conference, and they all made it a point to thank their professors and support the current students. The Exercise and Sport Science Pro- gram is leading the charge in providing an extensive and unique learning experience for its students. † Jose Antonio is the program director and an associate professor in the Health and Human Performance Exercise and Sport Science B.S. Program—Fort Lauderdale. Above: Cassandra Evans, who recently graduated from the B.S. in Exercise and Sport Science Program, is now pursuing her Master of Science in Nutrition degree at NSU’s Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine. Left: Anya Ellerbroek, a B.S. in Exercise and Sport Science graduate, also is pursuing her Master of Science in Nutrition degree at NSU. Below: Jose Antonio, associate professor