Perspectives Winter/Spring-2017

6 • NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY BY TERRY MORROW NELSON, PH.D., ASSISTANT DEAN OF STUDENT AFFAIRS Advisory Board Supports The CHCS Advisory Board has raised more than $150,000 to support the education and development of emerging health care professionals within the College of Health Care Sciences. Through the generous, in-kind donations from hospitals and medical equipment companies, CHCS students are gaining hands-on experience using equipment and technologies that will help them transition into their careers. The CHCS Advisory Board is designed to convene an interprofessional team of leaders that will support the college in fulfilling its mission and vision. The board members work to develop and lead initiatives to support the overall success of the college. Each leader uses his or her expertise, experience, and networks to assist the college in serving student and community needs. Robert Wagner, M.M.Sc., RRT, CAA, who serves as board chair, said his work with the board gives him a chance to express his desire to work with others. “I volunteer because I have a passion for working with a diverse group of individuals from the community that is dedicated to student success. It is meaningful for me to build a bond between the NSU family and the community, so we all succeed together.” Margaret (Maggie) Reilly, M.B.A., PT, founding chair, said her work with the board helps her support the programs. “I have been involved with teaching and taking students from NSU’s Physical Therapy Program,” she said. “I feel that NSU has a high-quality Doctor of Physical Therapy Program, and my work on the board can help to support that, as well as other programs, in the College of Health Care Sciences. I see how my work on the board directly supports students.” As board leaders, Wagner and Reilly brought in substantial in-kind support to improve educational experiences inside the classroom, as well as direct donations to support student scholarships. At the 2016 annual board retreat, board members committed to increasing donations for student scholarships. In addition to in-kind donations, the board sought to raise $35,000 for student scholarships in 2016. To support a student scholarship at any level, there are a variety of ways to help the board help CHCS students. One favorite option is a Changing Lives Scholarship. This unique opportunity allows donors to pledge $1,000 annually for five years— $38.47 per paycheck—and name a Changing Lives Scholarship through which 100 percent of the gift is awarded to a student. That means the funds are