Perspectives Winter/Spring-2017

COLLEGE OF HEALTH CARE SCIENCES • 43 Building an academic program from the ground up can be extremely exciting. The Tampa Campus Entry-Level Doctor of Occupational Therapy Program celebrated its fifth anniversary in 2016. When established, the pro- gram was recognized as the seventh accredited, entry- level Doctor of Occupational Therapy program in the nation. Since then, the program has experienced a nearly 200 percent growth in student enrollment from the first cohort to the fifth. One unique program aspect is its use of a blended model of delivery. Students complete approximately 70 percent of their didactic learning from a distance and the other 30 percent during intensive, four-day, on-campus institute experiences once a month. The program has seen many changes over the years. This includes the development of student programs, such as the Student Occupational Therapy Association and the occupational therapy honor society chapter Pi Theta Epsilon Beta Delta Tampa. Another noteworthy achieve- ment was the establishment of the peer-reviewed journal OCCUPATION , which serves as a publication platform for communicating ideas regarding the meaning and significance of human occupation and health and a medium of inquiry for students, faculty members, and other practitioners. Professors in the program remain active within the profession by collaborating with other leaders in the field of occupational therapy. Over the years, faculty members have presented annually at the Florida Occupational Therapy Association and nationally at the American Occupational Therapy Association. Some faculty members also had the opportunity to present at the World Federation of Occupational Therapists con- ference in Japan. The program has successfully graduated two cohorts, and students also have accepted occupational therapy positions that range from entry to management level. Under the guidance of their professors, multiple students have published articles for state, national, and interna- tional journals. Additionally, students continue to give back to their local communities, as well as the Tampa community, by offering educational opportunities. For example, CarFit focuses on enhancing the safe fit of personal vehicles operated by older adults. Students trained as CarFit Certified Technicians evaluate the fit of the vehicle to the individual and provide additional education and resources if needed. National School Backpack Awareness Day, celebrated annually in September, allows occupational therapy students and professionals to educate children on safe maximum backpack weight to prevent injury. During Senior Safety and Falls Prevention Day, students complete screenings for balance, vision, and home modification to prevent falls and provide safety tips to prevent falls in the home environment. Occupational therapy faculty members and students have set the bar high for future students choosing to pursue their academic education through NSU’s Entry-Level Doctor of Occupational Therapy Program . n OT Program Achieves Explosive Growth BY SHEILA M. LONGPRÉ, M.O.T., OTR/L, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR AND DIRECTOR OF CLINICAL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS