Perspectives Winter/Spring-2017

COLLEGE OF HEALTH CARE SCIENCES • 21 The CHCS Office of Student Affairs is reaching students in a new way via its Facebook group, which was established in January 2016. The office historically communicated with students through email, but it has recognized the need to interact with students in new ways and through their preferred mediums. The Office of Student Affairs chose Face- book due to the variety of methods of information dissemination and opportunities for reciprocal communication with students. After consulting with the NSU Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communica- tions, student affairs decided to create a Facebook group rather than a page, so group members would be notified when information was posted. Another Facebook group benefit is the polling feature, which allows a group administrator to poll all group members about a particular topic. Since the group’s creation, membership has grown to more than 600 students and faculty and staff members. Consequently, student affairs can advertise easily to all CHCS students at the Fort Lauderdale/Davie and regional campuses. The student program associations and other student organizations are invited to post fliers and announcements—an opportunity that can also be extended to academic departments and campus partners. The group can be accessed at . To post to the CHCS Facebook group, please email . n CHCS Enters the World of Social Media BY RACHEL DECKER, M.ED ., GRADUATE ASSISTANT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS