CHCS - Perspectives Summer/Fall 2017

and promote increased concentration. In addition, musical videos, which contain information pertinent to lecture material, are available from the Internet. There are various ways students can play an active role in promoting the use of music in a course. If a professor sets words to a simple, well-known tune, students can sing the words themselves. The class can be encouraged by the pro- fessor to briefly singsongs that are unrelated to the course material to energize them. Another possibility is to see if any students are interested in creating a presentation for the class that combines music and course material. College of Health Care Sciences 39 If professors can sing and/or play an instrument, and either it is not feasible to perform in class, or they do not desire to do so, they can have a videotape made of their musical perfor- mance in the Health Professions Division Library. Todd Puccio, M.L.S., who is director of technical services, and Aaron Sager, B.S., who is a technical support engineer, have made excellent videotapes of my singing. This recording environment is very relaxing, as multiple attempts can be recorded, and the best is used. I found that a break in class time, for as brief as one minute, to incorporate music goes a long way. It has helped me strike a chord with the students. ● Pamela B. Jaffey, M.D., encourages her class to sing about CML to the tune of This Old Man .