Perspectives Summer/Fall 2016

COLLEGE OF HEALTH CARE SCIENCES • 21 EXAMPLES OF LIKERT-TYPE RATING AND COMPETENCY-BASED RATING (Figure 2) Demonstrates quick and efficient acoustic reflex test technique with appropriate analysis of results. • Absent • Emerging • Underdeveloped • Present • Developed • Independent Quickly and efficiently obtains acoustic reflex thresholds (ARTs) with appropriate analysis of results. Demonstrates the following behaviors consistently without preceptor guidance: • Sets up and operates equipment. • Identifies appropriate probe tip needed to obtain and maintain a seal (≤ 2 probe tips tried). • Monitors ART growth and replication. • Identifies ARTs. • Obtains ARTs at appropriate frequencies (ipsi and contra). • Accomplishes 0–2 of the behaviors. • Accomplishes 3–4 of the behaviors. • Accomplishes 5 of the above behaviors; cannot interpret/analyze the results. • Completes all behaviors; can interpret/analyze the results with 90 percent accuracy, 90 percent of the time. Erica Friedland, Au.D., standing, chair of the Department of Audiology, shown with student Melissa Gonzalez, oversees 7 faculty positions and 68 graduate students.