CHCS - Perspectives - Summer/Fall 2014

PERSPECTIVES • SUMMER–FALL 2014 50 CLASS OF 2015: Leaving a Legacy on Intramural Athletics Physical therapy faculty members and students from Fort Lauderdale and Tampa attended the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Combined Sections meeting held February 3-7 in Las Vegas, Nevada, which attracted over 11,000 physical therapists and 2,000 exhibitors. This year, NSU’s physical therapy programs were well represented with students and faculty members presenting educational sessions as well as platform and poster presentations. Eleven fac- ulty members and 3 students from the Fort Laud- erdale D.P.T. Program participated, while 8 faculty members and 30 students from the Tampa Hybrid D.P.T. Program were in attendance. Three Fort Lauderdale class of 2014 stu- dents—Marcia Darbouze, Cara Hoffer, and Emily Pendleton—under the direction of their research mentor Kevin Kunkel, Ph.D., M.S.P.T., MLD-CDT, assistant professor, presented a plat- form presentation entitled “Reduction Mammo- plasty to Eliminate Post-Radiation Fibrosis and Breast Lymphedema.” Heather Hettrick, Ph.D., PT, CWS, CLT, CLWT, associate professor, presented an educa- tional session entitled “A Novel and Interactive Learning Experience to Teach Skin Assess- ment” as well as a two-hour educational session on the use of an interactive lab experience to teach components of skin assessment on intact cadavers using didactic as well as kinesthetic and visual learning. FACULTY MEMBERS AND STUDENTS Present at APTA Meeting in Las Vegas By shari Rone-Adams, D.B.A., M.H.s.A., PT Director, entry-Level Doctor of Physical Therapy Program PHYSICAL THERAPY Fort Lauderdale The class of 2015—nicknamed the Articulation Sensations—has made a name for itself in NSU’s intramural athletic program. This involvement has promoted interprofessional col- laboration and friendly competition as the students frequently compete against different professions and are able to make connections with their fellow students. Intramurals have reinforced that teamwork is required to become suc- cessful in professional and extracur- ricular endeavors. Additionally, the students participate in raising funds for sports events, such as the Glucose Games. Intramural athletics also en- courage student pride in the class, the university, and the physical ther- apy profession. The Articulation Sensations’ team has been very successful, winning many championships including the 2012 men’s singles racquetball tournament (Jason DeVoe), 2012 and 2013 Corec flag football cham- pion, 2013 men’s ping pong singles tournament champion (Kevin Swieboda), 2013 men’s flag football champion, 2013 Corec softball champion, and 2013 Glucose Games champion. The class of 2015 plans to encour- age continued intramural participa- tion by the class of 2016 and the incoming class of 2017. In addition to the friendly competition, team members find it a great way to con- trol some of the stress created by the rigor of academics. By Rebeccah Westol, Class of 2015 D.P.T. student and shari Rone-Adams, D.B.A., M.H.s.A., PT Director, entry-Level Doctor of Physical Therapy Program