CHCS - Perspectives - Summer/Fall 2014

PERSPECTIVES • SUMMER–FALL 2014 39 under the supervision of faculty members Harvey Feld- man, M.D., professor, and Stephen Andreades, M.M.S., PA-C, assistant professor. The students were pleased with the positive feedback they received from the Pan- era patrons, with some customers expressing significant satisfaction with the physician assistants who were car- ing for their health needs and others even expressing in- terest in becoming a physician assistant. While at school, the students devoted their lunch peri- ods throughout the week to reach out to students from other departments at the Health Professions Division. They manned a station selling baked goods and collect- ing canned foods for individuals in need. A poster de- scribing the PA profession was situated near their station. The students found it very interesting that many students from other health care departments did not have a clear idea regarding the health care responsibili- ties of physician assistants. They found it rewarding to inform students training in other health care professions about the PA profession and learn more about other health care professions at the same time. Christin Watkins, who is the class histo- rian, indicated that she enjoyed experiencing the “inter- disciplinary camaraderie.” She added, “All in all, it was an excellent week. We were able to not only spread knowledge of our profession, but to also give back to the community in some small way.” On March 8, 2014, the students participated in a health care career fair sponsored by the T. Leroy Jeffer- son Medical Society at Inlet Grove Community High School in Riviera Beach. Assistant professors Alicia Bolden, M.P.A.S., PA-C, and Diana Maurer, M.M.S., PA-C, supervised students Christine Schwiebert, Kim Blum, Nicole Conway, Julie Hay, and Deanna Wozunk at the fair. The NSU team interacted with many groups of young students ranging from middle school to fresh- man year of college for 20 minutes at a time. After Bolden gave an introductory PowerPoint presen- tation highlighting positive aspects of the PA profession, the students demonstrated medical skills to fair partici- pants such as checking neurologic reflexes and listening to heart sounds. According to student Farah Alli, “Most of the students didn’t even know what a PA was walking in, but could easily give you a list of PA facts walking out.” she explained. “If I got even one more person in- terested in the PA profession, it was a job well done.” 1. Class of 2015 PA students discuss melanoma prevention with a local community member at Fort Lauderdale beach. Pictured (from left) are Addy Mauro, Jenna effron, and Michelle santamaria. 2. Class of 2015 PA students at a station during PA week. Pictured (from left) are Jenna effron, Lauren Winsten, Addy Mauro, and Alice Raff. 1 2 PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT Fort Lauderdale