CHCS - Perspectives - Summer/Fall 2014

PERSPECTIVES • SUMMER–FALL 2014 37 (Pictured from left) Top row: Farah Alli and Danielle Fetting Middle: Michelle santamaria, Ryan Voccia, Cally espergard, Danielle Fetting, and Jenna Herman Front: Alicia Bolden winning first-year Fort Lauderdale PA team, the class of 2014 second-year Fort Lauderdale PA team comprising Ann- Marie Dozier, Whitney Howe, and Aditi Ramcharitar, and a class of 2014 sec- ond-year Orlando PA team. What were the factors that allowed this team of first-year PA students to win the trophy? An important key to success was effective coaching that utilized novel strategies. As a new assistant professor, Alicia Bolden, M.P.A.S., PA-C, took on the responsibility as faculty coach with great determination to succeed. She, along with class of 2015 student coach Farah Alli, energized the students and harnessed the potential of two first-year PA student teams that trained together. One team consisted of the three students who competed and won the challenge bowl, while the other comprised class of 2015 PA students Danielle Fetting, Julie Hay, and Jenna Herman. Class of 2015 PA student coach Farah Alli reflected upon many favorable fac- tors contributing to success that are re- lated to the practice sessions, as well as qualities of the two student teams and faculty coach Alicia Bolden. “While we made sure that each prac- tice round was appropriately timed and scored with suitable challenge bowl-style questions, we would always discuss the questions afterwards if anyone didn’t understand,” explained Alli. “The room somehow always ended up being filled with a mixture of fast-paced buzzer- clicking and shouting answers combined with laughter and fun. Bolden’s explana- tions never failed to be educational yet very entertaining. Another big factor is definitely how well the members get along. They all love working together and really build upon each other’s strengths.” Collaboration between the two teams was very important in allowing the stu- dents to learn the broad range of med- ical topics that would be covered during the challenge bowl competition. The in- tensity of their work was described by Bolden, who stated, “We were on an accelerated course through clinical medicine in order to be prepared for this night.” Good teamwork was also important in enabling a second-year team of NSU Fort Lauderdale PA students to make it to the final round, which consisted of class of 2014 PA students Anne-Marie Dozier, Whitney Howe, and Aditi Ram- charitar. This team independently trained along with the other competing second-year Fort Lauderdale team that comprised class of 2014 PA students Va- lerie Fiordilino, Hannah Kozak, and Morganne Lliteras. In conclusion, winning the FAPA Challenge Bowl trophy was a great ac- complishment for the first-year class of 2015 PA students on the NSU Fort Lauderdale challenge bowl team. Su- perb coaching and effective teamwork were important factors contributing to their success. PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT Fort Lauderdale “They (NSU-OT students) all love working together and really build upon each other’s strengths.” ...Farah Alli, class of 2015