CHCS - Perspectives - Summer/Fall 2014

PERSPECTIVES • SUMMER–FALL 2014 27 1. Melissa Cordova (left), class of 2016, accepts the Outstanding Clinician Award from erica Friedland, Au.D. (right), audiology chair and associate professor. 2. Fredericka Clarke (left), class of 2016, accepts the Outstanding sAA Award from Jennifer Laws (right), class of 2016 and sAA president. Student Academy of Audiology Makes Strides AUDIOLOGY Fort Lauderdale 1 The Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) is the national student division of the American Academy of Audiology (AAA) that serves as a collective voice for students and advances the rights, interests, and welfare of students pursuing careers in audiology. The SAA introduces students to lifelong involvement in activities that promote and advance the profession of audiology and provide services, informa- tion, education, representation, and advo- cacy for the profession and for consumers of audiology services. During the past winter semester, many of our students participated in NSU’s CommunityFest, the Graduate Profes- sional Success Series, and diabetes sessions offered on campus. Outside of campus ac- tivities, several students traveled to Belle Grade and Clewiston, where they pro- vided hearing and speech screenings to in- dividuals in these underserved areas. The students also coordinated three events to raise money for our organization and col- lect donations for the homeless. In March, many students attended the SAA Conference and the annual AAA Conference, which were both held in Or- lando, Florida. These conferences pro- vided a chance to mingle with other students and professionals in the field and to gain further information regard- ing new technology and advancements in the profession. In May, two students volunteered at the Jewish Community Center annual Senior Health and Fitness Day. Since May is Bet- ter Speech and Hearing Month, the stu- dents provided information to the geriatric population regarding audiology, hearing loss, and our new on-campus clinic. In June, the SAA held its annual ban- quet at Bistro Mezzaluna in Fort Laud- erdale. The banquet is a time for everyone to celebrate what a great year we had and to provide awards to two exceptional stu- dents. This year’s winners were Melissa Cordova, a second-year student who re- ceived the Outstanding Clinician Award, and Fredericka Clarke, a second-year stu- dent, who was presented the Outstanding SAA Award for her significant contribu- tions to community service and dedication to the organization. In the upcoming months, the Student Academy of Audiology is planning several exciting events, including an opportunity for members to visit a local nursing home to provide information regarding the pro- fession of audiology and play board games with the residents. Other planned activities include a trip to Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., to meet with various legislators and advocate for the field of au- diology, providing hearing screenings for Special Olympics athletes at the upcoming fall games, and volunteering for Habitat for Humanity in November. By Brooke Michaels, B.s., Class of 2016 and sAA secretary For more information, please visit 2