CHCS - Perspectives - Summer/Fall 2014

PERSPECTIVES • SUMMER–FALL 2014 25 For the second consecutive year, anes- thesiologist assistant (AA) students and fac- ulty members presented at the Healthcare and Science Career Symposium on March 8. The T. Leroy Jefferson Medical Society sponsors this event yearly to engage, en- courage, and inform Palm Beach County middle and high school students on the benefits of higher education and the health professions. Over 500 youth from at-risk schools across the county attended the event at Inlet Grove High School in Riviera Beach. The symposium opened with an inspiring podium presentation from Cato T. Lau- rencin, M.D., Ph.D., former dean of UConn’s School of Medicine and a pio- neer in regenerative medicine. His speech emphasized the virtues of hard work and dedication as integral to achieving success. The NSU AA program presentation provided 150 students an opportunity to experience anesthesia practice through simulation. After donning surgical hats, masks, and gloves, students entered the mock operating room and explored the science and application of anesthesia. Ac- cording to Jermaine Leclerc, M.H.Sc., as- sistant professor, “This symposium is an excellent opportunity for NSU to support the health professionals of tomorrow. It also invites our students to experience the service component of professionalism.” Our AA students spoke on the impor- tance of being vigilant and cautious while caring for patients. They also instructed the participants on proper intubation tech- niques by using an advanced video laryn- goscopy device and inform them of the opportunities in the field of anesthesiology and technology in medicine. Smiles on the learners’ faces conveyed the joy they felt as recipients of such a unique attention. The NSU AA program truly appreci- ated this opportunity to serve the commu- nity and promote the promising health care careers that NSU has to offer. Michael Stout, M.M.Sc., AA-C, director of the Anesthesiologist Assistant Program on NSU’s main campus, spoke of the im- portance of the students’ and faculty members’ support of this event. “This opportunity to inspire and elevate stu- dents, especially those of a lower SES sta- tus, is in keeping with NSU’s core value of diversity.” AAs IN ACTION: Supporting the Community Through Health Care Teaching By Jennifer Linzalone, second-Year student ANESTHESIOLOGIST ASSISTANT Fort Lauderdale