Perspectives Spring 2015

PERSPECTIVES • SPRING 2015 7 STUDENT AFFAIRS The Multicultural Affairs Committee (MAC) hosted the Fourth Annual Multi- cultural Bowl in September, imple- menting exciting changes. Historically, the Multicultural Bowl has always been a Jeopardy -style game in which stu- dents answer questions about multi- cultural issues and topics. During this year’s Multicultural Bowl, a multicul- tural Family Feud -style game was en- joyed by all. One hundred students from the Health Professions Division (HPD) were surveyed and gave their re- sponses to a variety of questions. Par- ticipants in the Family Feud Multicultural Bowl were then asked to guess the most popular responses given by the HPD students. A variety of topics were covered, including fa- vorite cultural foods of HPD students, stereotypes about health care profes- sionals, hidden disabilities of HPD stu- dents, and the most popular religions among students in the HPD. The event was eye-opening for everyone involved as it caused stu- dents to be open-minded, explore other viewpoints, and dispel some common multicultural misunderstand- ings. In addition, Jonathon Infante- May, M.A., assistant director of student affairs, proved to be an incredibly en- gaging and hilarious host. Another aspect that made it new and interesting was the incorporation of all colleges within the Health Profes- sions Division. Historically, only the Colleges of Health Care Sciences and Nursing have participated. This year, there was representation from the Col- leges of Health Care Sciences, Nurs- ing, Pharmacy, Optometry, Dental Medicine, and Osteopathic Medicine. Eight teams of four to five students and faculty members participated. The Multicultural Family Feud took place over the course of two days, with the first four rounds held on day one and the final rounds on day two. After an unbelievable battle of the wits, the college emerging triumphant was the College of Pharmacy. There was great crowd participation and supporter spirit during both days of the event. Some students showed their support through making unique posters to support their team, while others dressed up to show their team spirit. This year’s Spirit Award was given to students from the Physician Assistant Fort Lauderdale Program and the Medical Sonography Program for their outstanding participation. MULTICULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Hosts Multicultural Family Feud By Judith Lynch, B.S., B.A., Graduate Assistant of Student Affairs 1 . Spirited participants from the Physician Assistant Fort Lauderdale Program. 2. Medical sonography students captured in true superhero fashion. 3. Students and faculty members from the Physical Therapy Fort Lauderdale Program showcasing their good sportsmanship and enthusiasm. 1 2 3