Perspectives Spring 2015

PERSPECTIVES • SPRING 2015 28 PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT Fort Myers The Millennium House Experience A First-Year PA Student’s Perspective Class of 2016 students Michael Coyle and Natalia Rosario reviewing the patient chart with a Millennium House employee. Students at the Millennium House. ith some apprehension, I trek down to Bonita Springs in search of the Millennium House—an adult daycare center. My assignment is to meet there with fellow classmates and Kyrus Patch, M.S., PA-C, and then do a history and physical (H&P) on one of the clients. As I try to find the building, I am anxious and excited at the same time. So far, I’ve just practiced my H&P skills on classmates and family members, and now I will have a real patient . Will I remember what to ask? Will I remember how to distinguish the difference between an S3 and S4 gallop? Will I get embarrassed asking the sexual history of someone who looks like my grand- mother? The time has come. I arrive at the front door and am greeted by my classmates, Patch, and a very nice Millennium House employee. I’m feeling okay now because the rest of the group is nervous, too. The friendly staff assists us in finding the exam room where we will do the H&P. The client is ushered in, and we start with the Mini-Mental Status Exam so we know the re- liability of our patient. As we proceed down our endless list of history questions, I realize what a privilege it is to be trusted with this information: I must always remember that. Our patient struggles to remember the details because he has dementia, which is so sad. Our pa- tient is very patient with us as we ask question after question and then start the physical exam—some- times doing them simultaneously due to time con- straints. I ask Patch if it is actually possible to finish an entire H&P during a 30-minute office visit in the real world. She smiles and tells me you are lucky if you get 30 minutes, but assures me I will learn how to combine several elements and de- velop a rhythm to my exam. She reminds me to practice, practice, and practice. We conclude the exam and pack up our instru- ments. One of the staff members reviews the chart with us, and then we are on our way. As I leave, I say goodbye to the clients who are in exercise class and realize how fortunate I am to have someplace that allows and welcomes students to learn their craft. Thank you, Millennium House. W