Perspectives Spring 2015

The health care system in the United States has become increasingly frag- mented and complex over the last decade. As a result of new policies resulting from the Affordable Care Act, there is a grow- ing need for interprofessional collabora- tion. Additionally, rapid innovation and adaption to change requires a more inter- dependent and collaborative approach that moves away from an individual expert model of health care delivery toward one that spans professions, functions, levels, and generations. These 21 st century leadership chal- lenges call for health care professionals to move beyond the traditional command- and-control style toward a more collabo- rative, integrative model of practice. The term charismatic common purpose has emerged as an important element of ef- fective team functioning and success. Commitment emerges from an inspiring vision, meaningful engagement, and op- portunity to use one’s time and talent to make a positive impact. Toward this end, the college has developed strategic initia- tives designed to meet the needs of our students, the professions, and our com- munity while preparing the next genera- tion of health care professionals to collaborate across professional, genera- tional, cultural, and socioeconomic boundaries to meet the needs of patients, communities, and systems. C OMMUNITY E NGAGEMENT AND L EADERSHIP D EVELOPMENT NSU’s College of Health Care Sci- ences is committed to leveraging its human, financial, and social-capital re- sources to positively impact the local community. One of the many examples of how the college is building charismatic common purpose is the Interprofessional Diabetes Education and Awareness (IDEA) Initiative. In 2012, NSU launched the IDEA Ini- tiative to bring together its faculty mem- ...PREPARING THE NEXT GENERATION OF HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS By Terry Morrow Nelson, Ph.D., Assistant Dean of Student Affairs Pictured (from left) are Genevieve Lyke (IDEA student team leader), Allison Schleikhorn (IDEA student team leader), Judith Lynch (IDEA community outreach coordinator), and Terry Morrow Nelson, Ph.D. (IDEA Initiative founder) as they demonstrate practical ideas for healthy eating and exercise. Continued on next page...