Fall 2015 Perspectives

COLLEGE OF HEALTH CARE SCIENCES • 7 needs and interests of their peers prior to designing events and opportunities, while learning and practicing the art of strategic planning. At the end of the year, two student leaders are invited to serve as leadership consultants to assess the impact and value of the Office of Student Affairs. The students survey their peers across the campuses and invite feedback regarding the areas of strength and the areas of opportunity for further development. Based on the student feedback received, the leadership consultants present their findings and make recommendations on how the office can continue to serve students better. Finally, in an effort to support students who receive clinical rotation placements in rural communities, the college created 13 different student-housing options throughout the state of Florida to support students’ clinical training experiences and promote interprofessional engagement. Students from different academic programs or campuses support and learn from one another as they transition to their new community and clinical environments. “For many students, sharing an apartment is a healthy and positive space that enhances academic pursuits and promotes opportunities for personal, social, and spiritual growth,” said Kenny McCullum, M.P.H., CHES, director of clinical education. INTEGRITY All new College of Health Care Sciences students who attend orientation participate in a rite of passage, during which they receive their official NSU pin and read the College of Health Care Sciences Creed together. One of the creed’s seven elements is integrity, and it is noted within the creed that this value stands above all others. Every year, student teams from different academic programs participate in the college’s Ethics Bowl. ithin the College of Health Care Sciences, it is a leadership mindset that develops the capacity of the system—students, faculty and staff members, and stakeholders—to improve health care in our community. W