PERSPECTIVES 25th Anniversary - Fall-Winter 2018

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences 15 Alumni Traditions NEW TRADI T IONS ONE OF THE NEWER alumni traditions within the PCHCS is joining our fellow NSU alumni at the NSU Takeover Night at the Florida Panthers at BB&T Center in Sun- rise, Florida. With more than 300 alumni and guests in attendance, this year’s Takeover Night featured an all-you-can-eat buffet in the VIP Sky lounge, an open beer and wine bar, a special gift from alumni affairs, and the opportunity to go out on the ice and make a puck shot after the game. Razor the Shark and a few lucky alumni even rode the Zamboni. Attendees return year after year and consistently report that this is one of their favorite events. January 2019 will be the fifth anniversary of this newer tradition. To ensure you do not miss next year’s invita- tion, please update your record at /webforms/alumni/index.html. ● CREAT ING A LEGACY As we celebrate the past, we continue to create for the future. With our distant graduates in mind, we are continuing to build our professional online platform, where we offer periodic webinars addressing your professional needs, such as “Writing an Effective CV for Health Care,” and post open faculty positions within the college. Alumni watch the Florida Panthers in action. Many, above and below, shared the fun at the NSU Takeover Night at the Florida Panthers event. Our latest updates include a growing list of health care jobs external to NSU, as well as alumni event photos. Do not miss these unique opportunities. Sign up using your LinkedIn or Facebook account at , then follow the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences page for updates.