PERSPECTIVES 25th Anniversary - Fall-Winter 2018

14 Nova Southeastern University [ Alumni Show Corner ] Medical outreach trips are not the only avenue of alumni/student partnerships. The college’s profes- sional scholarships are key to both recognizing ex- emplary students and supporting their success. When speech-language pathology student Lauren Laguno- vich received the inaugural Robin Shari Parker Me- morial Scholarship, she said, “My passion for this field has been solidified by the caring and knowledgeable professors I have connected with since beginning my journey at Nova Southeastern University. This has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.” Kelly Jones of Peru, New York, was a 2017–2018 recipient of the Nicole Weiser Memorial Scholarship in Audiology. Audiology student Marsadi Parliament of Niagara on the Lake, Canada, also was a recipient of the Nicole Weiser Memorial Scholarship. Lauren Lagunovich received the inaugural Robin Shari Parker Memorial Scholarship in Speech-Language Pathology. If you are interested in seeing the students who have earned scholarships in the past, as well as available scholarships, go to For those interested in scholarship naming opportunities, please contact Terry Morrow Nelson, Ph.D., associate dean, at . Giving our students the opportunity—another NSU Core Value—to help them achieve their dreams is also an opportunity for all alumni, faculty and staff mem- bers, and community partners to help students achieve their dreams. We invite you to consider making a donation to support student scholarships by visiting or texting NSUPCHCS to 41444. Under the “Select Your Desig- nation” dropdown menu, choose “Dean’s Excellence Fund” and type your program or “medical missions” preference in the comments section. ● SCHOLARSHIP RECIPI ENTS (continued from page 12)