PERSPECTIVES 25th Anniversary - Fall-Winter 2018

12 Nova Southeastern University WHAT WAS YOUR MOST MEMORABLE learning experience at NSU? For many of our current students, it is participating in medical outreach trips. Recent trips have brought our students to the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and many other countries. “Every summer, our program travels with 40 students into the mountains to dispense free health care, med- ication, and services to the Poqomchi’ people of rural Guatemala,” said Kelly Graham, a class of 2019 physician assistant student from the NSU Orlando Campus. “While there, we also set up in-house stoves and water-filtration systems to prevent many environmental toxins that cause endemic illnesses in the region. This global service is a passion we love and look forward to every year.” [ Alumni Show Corner ] Alumni and Students: Jacksonville physician assistant student Cayla Taylor shared that she expects her class to continue the tradi- tion of traveling to the Dominican Republic to volunteer at a local hospital, at an orphanage, and at community clinics to see patients and provide health education. Audiology student Lindsey Spears said her classmates will continue the tradition of visiting Nicaragua to provide complimentary hearing evaluations to children and fit them with hearing aids. These students, and many others across our spectrum of academic programs, exemplify the university’s core value of community—the guiding standard of humanitar- ianism and civic engagement. If you would like to enrich future fellow health professionals while providing medical care to some of the poorest people in the world, we invite you to consider making a donation. Aliya Chaudhry and Chaz Kisgeropolous entertain children in Guatemala by drawing on their arms during a break. PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES MEDICAL OUTREACH (continued on page 14)