CHCS Perspectives Winter 2014

PERSPECTIVES • WINTER 2014 – Page 9 Executive Council Recent changes in the Center for Academic and Professional Ex- cellence include an expansion to the Executive Council. The coun- cil, directed by Melissa Lazinski, D.P.T., assistant professor of physical therapy in Tampa, will now include members who grad- uated from the various academies, not just individuals from the Teaching and Learning Academy course. The Executive Council met on October 30 to discuss many initiatives, including expanding Web resources, starting the Research Academy, and planning for the Teaching and Learning Academy course ceremony. Teaching and Learning Academy The third group of Teaching and Learning Academy graduates completed the course in the fall of 2013. Academy course partici- pants have the opportunity to learn teaching/learning theories and apply them to coursework with instructor feedback. In addition, they use current evidence and instructional technology to enhance their course preparation and delivery. Newer faculty members, as well as instructors who would like to enhance their teaching skills, are encouraged to apply to the 2014 Art and Science of Teaching and Learning course. Leadership Academy In January 2014, the second Leadership and Management Acad- emy advancement course commenced. Faculty members once again had an opportunity to work collaboratively to learn about leadership theory application, conflict resolution, strategic planning, and ethical management. The course included a new instructor, John Carroll, Ph.D., assistant professor of public administration, from NSU’s H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepre- neurship. With his background in law enforcement, he added a new dimension to the leadership and management discussions, including contemporary approaches to strategic planning, that are taught at the business school. Research Academy The Research Academy courses will start in the summer of 2014. There will be a series of two courses. The first one will be focused on evidence-based practice. Participants will learn about research methodology and analysis of the evidence in order to enhance their research consumer skills. In the second course, which will be in the fall of 2014, participants will focus on grant skill develop- ment. The exploration of current trends and funding opportunities will be integrated into this second course. Samuel Cheng, Sc.D., M.S., PT, associate professor and program director of the PT Ph.D. Program, will be the coordinator for both courses. Best-Practice Seminars A taskforce was formed, under the direction of Stanley Wilson, Ed.D., CHCS dean, to review existing literature and assess our cur- rent practices for five different areas of health care education. This included committees on interprofessional education, simulation, standardized patients, hybrid education, and clinical education. The review results are being presented in a series of seminars. The interprofessional one was held on October 10, while the hybrid ed- ucation one was held on October 29. Both events provided an op- portunity to dialogue with faculty members about current and best practices here at NSU. Additional workshops were held on Decem- ber 3, January 22, and February 4. A new Blackboard resource was created by Mary Blackinton, Ed.D.,PT, associate professor and associate director of the Physical Therapy Program in Tampa that allows faculty members to access the full reports as well as share ideas about each of the best-practice areas. Journal Jams Join us on the second Tuesday of every month for the HPD Journal Club. This is done in collaboration with the HPD Center for Teaching and Learning and provides an opportunity to informally discuss an article related to academia. There have been some stim- ulating discussions so far, and we hope you’ll take the time to join this new professional development activity. CAPE CORNER Center for Academic and Professional Excellence By Sandra Dunbar, D.P.A., OTR/L, Assistant Dean of Professional Development and Education The Center for Academic and Professional Excellence is the umbrella for a variety of professional development activities within the College of Health Care Sciences. This new section of Perspectives will always have updates on the Teaching and Learning, Leadership, and Management and Research Academies, as well as other new initiatives. Thanks to those who have supported the CAPE programs. We hope to see more of you at the numerous interprofessional events and programs that are run throughout the academic year. We welcome your ideas to create an even better learning environment for ourselves.