CHCS Perspectives Winter 2014

PERSPECTIVES • WINTER 2014 – Page 8 The Graduate Professional Success (GPS) Series has been in suc- cessful operation for four consecutive semesters. During the sum- mer/fall semester, new sessions were created and popular favorites were brought back. Students have continued to enjoy the presen- tations and have learned from the various presenters in their areas of expertise. The Office of Student Affairs is committed to providing quality sessions that will truly benefit and engage students within the col- lege through this initiative, which is a joint effort sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs, the student government associations, and Chartwell’s dining. While most presentations are made from the main campus in Fort Lauderdale, live streaming is always made available for students at the regional campuses. Previous sessions that were coordinated include the following: Making the Grade: Test Taking and Study Skills in the Health Professions – This presentation was made by former NSU professor Angela Mesa-Taylor, M.P.A.S., PA-C, and class of 2013 alumnus Joseph Homy, M.M.S. This session enticed a record amount of students, with over 120 attending at the main campus alone. The session focused on practical tips for studying and taking tests at the graduate level and served as the perfect seminar for the beginning of the semester as new students began their graduate journey. It’s About Time (Management) – Lauren Taylor and Car- olyn Jones, class of 2014 students in the Tampa Doctor of Physical Therapy program, presented tips on time management. This was the first time presenters were located away from the main campus, so a live recording was broadcast to the different sites. There was plenty of positive feedback from the session, including an anony- mous comment from one attendee that stated “Good insightful tips for planning my time and schedule.” Stress Busters – Douglas Flemons, Ph.D., director of the NSU Office of Suicide and Violence Prevention, and Jonathon May, M.A., assistant director of student affairs, discussed effective ways to manage stress in graduate school. May engaged the audi- ence in group discussions for brainstorming practical methods for de-stressing, utilizing an interactive style of presenting that allowed the students to be involved. Dr. Flemons taught students the art of mindful meditation and had them practice this method of stress management even before they left the presentation. Students left the session feeling relaxed and less stressed. Creating Your Social Media Brand – In this session, two representatives from the Office of Career Development, Emilio Lorenzo, M.S., career adviser, and April Klimkiewicz, M.A., as- sistant director of career advisement and pre-professional services, gave an engaging and practical presentation. Students had the op- portunity to participate as they critically analyzed appropriate be- haviors for social media sites. Lorenzo and Klimkiewicz compared different social media sites and commented on what posts and pic- tures may or may not be appropriate for a budding professional. Young, Fabulous, and Broke – This was a popular seminar that was brought back this semester. Jorge Ruiz, M.A., community outreach adviser for Consolidated Credit, had an insightful session filled with practical ways for students to manage their debt and live within their means. He informed students of the dangers of frivo- lous spending and how credit card companies can easily take ad- vantage of them. Overall, the summer/fall 2013 GPS Series was a success as stu- dents gained valuable information to benefit both their personal and professional lives. Stay abreast of the upcoming GPS sessions by checking your NSU email or visiting our Web site. The follow- ing GPS Series will be featured in the winter 2014 semester: • Healthy Eating Discussion with Marilyn Gordon (NSU’s campus nutritionist) • Bridging Generational Gaps: Millennials, Boomers, and Xers…Oh My! • Professional Skills to Pay Your Bills (professionalism in the workplace issues) • Career Development Interview Workshop Graduate Professional Success Series UPDATE By Judith Lynch, B.S., B.A., Graduate Assistant of Student Affairs Class of 2015 audiology students enjoying the “Young, Fabulous, and Broke” GPS session. Physician assistant students enjoying lunch before a GPS session.