CHCS Perspectives Winter 2014

PERSPECTIVES • WINTER 2014 – Page 6 Every year, the Multicultural Affairs Committee (MAC) holds an international cultural marketplace that all students from the College of Health Care Sciences and the College of Nursing are welcome to attend. This year, the MAC did something a little dif- ferent. In conjunction with the NSU International Student Affairs Office, the committee decided to hold the marketplace during the university’s International Education Week. As a result, A Taste of the World was held on November 20—an event that allows the MAC to join forces with the College of Op- tometry, the College of Pharmacy, and the College of Osteopathic Medicine to make the International Cultural Marketplace an oc- casion in which the entire Health Professions Division was in- volved. The event, which was free to all who attended, allowed each attendee an opportunity to receive three servings from a va- riety of cultural dishes. Dozens of dishes were brought by students as well as faculty and staff members that represented various countries and cultures, while music was played throughout the event to give it a festive feel. Cultural decorations lined the walls and tables as culture was cel- ebrated throughout the building. Although local vendors donated food, including Pizza Loft and Tropical Smoothie, A Taste of the World was not only about food as there were various opportunities for students to get actively involved. For example, students were asked to put a sticker on a giant world map to represent their country of origin. They also had an opportunity to win one of four Quarterdeck restaurant gift cards by filling out a multicultural crossword puzzle. The event proved to be a comprehensive success thanks to the hard work of the Mul- ticultural Affairs Committee members and the numerous student and staff volunteers who gave of their time. This event truly cap- tures what the MAC is all about—celebrating the diversity and unity at NSU. However, the International Cultural Marketplace is not the only event the MAC was involved with over the past several months. In the fall semester, the MAC held the following events: Safe Zones Training Seminar – This was the second HPD- wide training for students as well as faculty and staff members to learn how to become a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender ally. Jonathon May, M.A., assistant director of student affairs, gave a dynamic presentation about how to relate and be open as an ally, which was broadcast to all the regional campuses. Multicultural Jeopardy Bowl – This annual main campus event was a time for students to represent their program and an- swer questions about multicultural trivia. This year’s winners were Cally Espegard and Madeline Burie, class of 2015 physician assis- tant students. Congratulations to the Fort Lauderdale Physician Assistant team for winning the title. The MAC looks forward to the events that will be held in the winter 2014 semester, including the annual Ethics Bowl and a celebration of Women’s History Month. Multicultural Affairs Committee Hosts Taste of the World Event STUDENT AFFAIRS By Judith Lynch, B.S., B.A., Graduate Assistant of Student Affairs