CHCS Perspectives Winter 2014

PERSPECTIVES • WINTER 2014 – Page 20 Julia Andrews, Au.D., Assistant Professor Dr. Andrews earned her Doctorate in Audiology from NSU in 2008 and is delighted to be returning to guide the university’s fu- ture doctors of audiology as an assistant professor. Dr. Andrews, who is a Fellow of the American Academy of Au- diology and the Florida Academy of Audiology, grew up in South Florida, where she spent much of her youth dancing and studying. Her love of anatomy and physiology in high school spurred her to pursue the field of communication sciences and disorders. Prior to earning her Au.D. degree at NSU, Dr. Andrews graduated from the University of Florida (UF) with highest honors and a deep love of the Gators. While at the UF, she participated in research looking at counseling instruction in doctor of audiology programs across the United States. Returning to South Florida to obtain her doctorate, Dr. Andrews participated in humanitarian trips to Guatemala and Trinidad, working alongside fellow students and audiologists to evaluate hear- ing and dispense hearing aids to hundreds of children in need. This experience had a profound impact on Dr. Andrews and strengthened her commitment to service. As a result, she takes pride in giving back to others and is happy to be able to use her training to effect mean- ingful change. Over the past few years, she has given back to her profession through mentoring audiology externs and interns, which has sparked a real love of both learning and teaching. Dr. Andrews became a vestibular specialist while working at the University of Miami’s Ear Institute, where she spent the majority of her time as a general and vestibular diagnostician. Following this, she was engaged by a local ENT practice. It was this oppor- tunity that allowed her to expand her hearing rehabilitation skills. The opportunity to further develop her premier skills as both a lifelong learner and teacher, and to do that as part of a thriving academic community, represents the achievement of an important goal. Dr. Andrews looks forward to not only teaching her students but learning from them, as well as from her audiology colleagues and by working with other NSU disciplines and professionals. And while family life with two active boys keeps her busy, Dr. Andrews welcomes all the new challenges that lay ahead. Alyssa Needleman, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Clinic Director Dr. Needleman, who joins the Audiology Department as an as- sociate professor and director of the Audiology Clinic, has an ex- tensive background within numerous environments of the audiology community. She earned her doctorate at the University of Texas at Dallas, with her area of expertise in speech perception in individuals with hearing loss. She began her academic career at the University of Vermont, where she served as an assistant professor of audiology. While there, Dr. Needleman taught undergraduate and graduate students in the hearing sciences, supervised students in the audiology clinic, and organized the Central Auditory Processing Evaluation Pro- gram—the first in the state of Vermont. When the winters in Ver- mont became too cold, Dr. Needleman returned to Maryland, where she grew up, working as an assistant professor of audiology at Howard University in Washington, D.C., and adjunct professor at the University of Maryland, College Park. During this time, she established a private practice, contracting with professionals in the D.C. area needing audiological support. It was while fitting hearing aids on a patient for one of these providers that the vice president of Beltone Electronics walked in the office and expressed a need for an audiologist to manage the practices for its East Coast operations. Thus began Dr. Needle- man’s move to the corporate environment, as she accepted the role of audiology manager for Beltone East. At Beltone, Dr. Needleman provided audiologic and technical expertise, training, and support for the dispenser practices and offices within the east area of the Beltone Network. During this period, legislation was passing nationally to imple- ment mandatory newborn hearing screenings for every infant born. When the opportunity arose, Dr. Needleman joined Bio-logic Systems Corporation, where she served as a program specialist for hearing and neurological assessment for the eastern United States. At Bio-logic, Dr. Needleman supported the implementation of early hearing detection and intervention (EHDI) programs, man- aging equipment and training issues, conducting continuing edu- Spotlight on New Audiology Faculty Compiled by Erica Friedland, Au.D., Chair and Associate Professor, Audiology Program Dr. Y’shua Yisrael Dr. Julia Andrews Dr. Alyssa Needleman