OTD News Volume VII, Issue 2
Pi Theta Epsilon Beta Delta -Tampa Page 12 OTD News, Volume VII, Issue 2 By: Cheryl Mae Granada, OTD-S Pi Theta Epsilon Beta Delta (PTE) Tampa members elected a new executive board for the 2016-2017 term. The PTE members voted during the February chapter meeting after all candidate speeches. The elect- ed officers are as follows: President: Kerri Easterling Vice President: Kelsea Rose Grampp Treasurer: Lydia Fritzsche Secretary: Cheryl Mae Granada The new executive board revised the PTE Executive Board Position Roles, implemented new member- ship requirements, and created a tentative calendar for campus and community events that encompass the following: mental health, children and youth, and physical disability settings. The most recent events orga- nized by PTE to uphold scholastic excellence and service contributions include the campus and community event, Evening with a Scholar Lecture Series and the Boy Scout Disability Awareness event. The first annual Evening with A Scholar Lecture Series held on March 24, 2016, featured Dr. Christine Helfrich PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA. Dr. Helfrich was invited due to her extensive work with populations who are vulnerable including: individuals who are/have been homeless, survivors of domestic violence and their children, and individuals with mental illness. After dinner Dr. Helfrich’s presented Occupational therapy’s role with underserved populations: Why are jigsaw puzzles and playing dominoes so important? She covered many lived expe- riences of people who were homeless and emphasized the role of occupational therapy with this population. Conversation followed after the presentation covering this emerging practice area and how students can help in the effort of enhancing participation and well-being in this setting. The first community event of the 2016-2017 term took place at Saint Leo University on May 7, 2016. PTE members taught classes to Boy Scouts aged 9-12, on people-first language, durable medical equipment (DME), assistive devices, adaptive sports, and advocacy. The purpose was to educate the Boy Scouts on peo- ple with disabilities in order for eligibility for their Disability Awareness Merit Badge. After video presenta- tions and an interactive discussion, the Boy Scouts were able to use some DME such as wheelchairs and crutches. At the end of the day the boys were engaged with the classes and were excited to get their Merit Badge. The current executive board of PTE looks forward to the upcoming academic year!
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