HPD OT Ft Lauderdale Students Entering 2021

Nova Southeastern University | 21 All applicants must be certified occupational therapists. REQUIRED COURSES COURSE # COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS HPH 7300 Fundamentals of Biostatistics 3 HPH 7310 Statistical Inference 3 HPH 7400 Research Design (Quantitative) 3 HPH 7410 Research Design (Qualitative) 3 HPH 7600 Grant Writing and Publication 3 OCT 7010 Theory Development for Models of Practice 3 OCT 7101 The Health Professional as Academic Educator 3 OCT 7104 Occupational Science 3 OCT 7302 Contextual Aspects of Occupational Performance 3 OCT 7420 Mixed Methods 3 OCT 7820 Applying Measurement Theory to Evaluation 3 OCT 7860 Leadership Development in Multiple Contexts 3 OCT 7870 Dissertation Seminar 3 OCT 8945 Studies for the Qualifying Examination 1 OCT 8950 Research Residency 3 OCT 8970 Doctoral Dissertation 3* OCT 8971 Continuing Dissertation Service 1–3** Electives 9 TOTAL MINIMUM OF 61 *Students must complete a minimum of 9 credit hours of Doctoral Dissertation (OCT 8970), remaining continuously enrolled in the course until their dissertations have been defended. **The Continuing Dissertation Service (OCT 8971) course is for students who have successfully defended their dissertations, but have to enroll in additional terms to complete the final copyediting and submission requirements. POSTPROFESSIONAL DOCTORAL PH.D. CURRICULUM OUTLINE