Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

Health Professions Division 2024–2025 85 Dress Code Students in the HPD must maintain a neat and clean appearance befitting those attending professional school. Therefore, attire should convey a professional appearance whenever the student is on the division campus and in classes or laboratory or on an experiential rotation or program. The dress code is to be observed at all times—including midterms and examination periods. Students are expected to consult their specific program handbooks for compliance with any program-specific and clinical rotation site-supplemental dress code policies. Food in the Lecture Halls, Laboratories, and Clinics Other than bottled water, food and beverages are not permitted in the lecture halls or clinics. Special college administration approval is required for students to consume food and beverages, other than water, in the locations mentioned. Identification Requirements and Fieldwork Prerequisites An affiliated clinical/fieldwork teaching facility may also require a student to pass a State of Florida Department of Health screening before rotation. Other requirements that may be held by the affiliated facility include, but are not limited to, physical examination, fingerprinting, a criminal background check, urinalysis for drugs and alcohol, and proof of immunization. If a student does not meet all requirements held by the affiliated facility before the first day of the scheduled placement, the student’s placement will be canceled. If the placement has already begun, the student will be asked to leave. Email University-assigned email addresses must be used for all email communications between students, administration, and faculty and staff members concerning university-related business. It should be noted that forwarding (either automatic or manual forwarding) of emails containing patient/protected health information (PHI) or other sensitive information to non-NSU managed email addresses is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action. PHI or other sensitive information may be emailed within the university utilizing an NSU email address when necessary to perform a job task and only if the email is accompanied by a confidentiality statement. PHI or other sensitive information may be emailed to an external recipient only if absolutely necessary and only when secured via email encryption technology and procedures as approved in advance by the NSU chief information security officer. For security reasons, NSU ID numbers should never be used in the subject line of an email. Notices, Messages, and Posters After approval from the specific college’s Office of Student Affairs/Office of Student Activities, students may post notices on the bulletin boards located in the student lounge and other locations. Notices announcing events shall be removed within seven days after the event has passed. Other boards are provided for university or division business only. Students are prohibited from posting, altering, or removing notices or messages from these boards. No notices, announcements, posters, or any other