Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

72 Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook This high-tech card has two embedded antennas that will allow access to various areas around campus, from parking garages to computer labs. The card also links biometric data used to calculate time and attendance for both students and staff members. The magnetic stripe allows users to add funds in increments of $1, $5, $10, or $20 to an online account that can be used for copying, printing, vending machines, and more. Students are able to add these funds online or at dedicated value stations located at the Alvin Sherman Library or at the Health Professions Division Library/Lab Building. SharkCard Services is located in the Don Taft University Center, entering from the east side entrance (Shark Fountain side), by the box office. SharkPrint NSU provides students with laser printing at libraries, computer laboratories, and on regional campuses. The print release stations, either stand alone or embedded, are located in various locations around each campus and control the process. Each registered NSU student (both full time and part time) receives a credit of $75 per fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) on the student’s MyNSU Print account. The student also can use these funds for making copies at the photocopy machines. Unused credits cannot be carried over to the following year. The MyNSU Print credits feed directly from the NSU Banner Administrative system. The public does not receive any print or copy credits. Revalue stations are available for the public and for NSU students to add value to their SharkCards. Student Activity Fee Accounts Office The Student Activity Fee Accounts Office is responsible for providing effective financial accounts management for NSU student clubs, organizations, and Shark Cage Businesses. Account services include reimbursements to students, faculty members, and staff affiliated with a club or organization, payment to vendors, account deposits, fundraising, credit card terminal rentals, management of student government (SGA) allocations, and fund reconciliation. Title IX/Sexual Misconduct The Title IX coordinator and staff provide prevention and response to sexual misconduct affecting students at NSU. This includes assistance to those who may have experienced sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, sex- or relationship-related stalking, or pregnancy- or sex-related discrimination. The Title IX website includes the secure Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Incident Initial Reporting Form, which can be accessed 24/7 to report an incident directly to the Title IX staff. The Title IX staff provide a variety of supportive measures and assist students in reporting to law enforcement, connecting with community resources, and accessing other supports to promote their success as students at NSU. Additionally, the NSU Peer Educator Program is available for students interested in leading prevention programming for their peers on campus. Tutoring and Testing Center The Tutoring and Testing Center (TTC) offers a variety of peer-led academic support services, including supplemental instruction, individualized and group tutoring, academic consultants, and an array of testing services and resources. Students are encouraged to take advantage of these free services to help meet their educational goals, achieve academic excellence, and enhance personal growth.