Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

70 Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook that includes curricular and cocurricular elements. Students in the program graduate with a minor in Experiential Leadership. President’s 64, an elite body of student leaders whose purpose is to strengthen the relationship between NSU and its community, is also housed in this office. Office of the University Bursar The Office of the University Bursar is responsible for billing students, collecting and depositing payments, sending invoices and receipts, providing access to student educational tax forms, issuing refunds from excess financial aid funds, and verifying students’ eligibility for financial aid funds. The office also assists borrowers of Federal Perkins and Health and Human Services Loans with repayment options. NSU Student Health Insurance is also housed within this office. For more information, visit nova.edu /bursar or call (954) 262-5200 or 800-541-6682, ext. 25200. Office of the University Registrar The Office of the University Registrar offers a variety of services to the university community. These services include, but are not limited to, course registration, transcript processing, name and address change, loan deferment, enrollment and degree verification, grade processing, degree conferral, and diploma printing. The office also facilitates and communicates academic progress standing to students on a trimester basis and oversees all related communications with students and academic programs. The essential responsibility of the registrar’s office is to create, maintain, and protect students’ academic records, as well as interpret and uphold university policy. For more information, visit nova.edu /registrar or call (954) 262-7200, 800-262-7200, or 800-541-6682, ext. 27200. Office of Undergraduate Admissions The Office of Undergraduate Admissions guides and supports students and families through all of the processes related to enrolling in undergraduate programs at NSU. The office works closely with all of the university’s colleges that house undergraduate academic programs, Financial Aid and Academic Records, and other campus departments and offices that are relevant to undergraduate recruitment and admissions. The office also participates in numerous college admission fairs, hosts school counselors on campus, provides campus tours through student ambassadors, and maintains an active national and international student recruitment schedule. Office of University Housing The Office of University Housing provides quality facilities for students who live on campus, and coordinates the administrative processes of all on-campus housing including assignments, contracts, billing, facilities, and maintenance of the nine on-campus residence halls. On-campus housing consists of a traditional residence hall with private bath facilities for undergraduate students, as well as apartmentstyle housing for upper-division undergraduate students. One-Stop Shop The One-Stop Shop is the central point of contact for information and service for walk-in prospective, new, and continuing students. Staff members are cross-trained to answer inquiries about financial aid,