Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

54 Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook Sanctions If, following a judicial proceeding, the student/student organization is found in violation of the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility, the discipline officer will decide on the sanction to be imposed. One or more of the following sanctions may be imposed for violations: Expulsion—A permanent dismissal from the university with no right for future readmission under any circumstances. A student who has been expelled is barred from campus-visiting privileges. Suspension—A mandatory separation from the university for a period of time specified in an order of suspension. An application for admission will not be entertained until the period of separation indicated in the suspension order has elapsed. Readmission is subject to approval of the university. During the period of suspension, the student is barred from campus-visiting privileges unless specific permission is granted by the senior vice president for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, or designee. Temporary Suspension—Action taken by the senior vice president for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs or the dean of students that requires a student’s temporary separation from the university until a final determination is made of whether a student is in violation of the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility. Final Disciplinary Probation—A disciplinary sanction serving notice to a student that the student’s behavior is in flagrant violation of university standards, under which the following conditions exist: a. The sanction is for the remainder of the student’s career and may be reviewed by the senior vice president for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs no sooner than two regular academic semesters—or equivalent—after the sanction is imposed. After two semesters in attendance, a student may initiate a request, in writing, for reduction of the sanction to disciplinary probation, but must also demonstrate reason to substantiate the request. b. A nother violation of the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility will result in the minimum of suspension being imposed if the student is found in violation. Disciplinary Probation—A disciplinary sanction serving notice to a student that the student’s behavior is in serious violation of university standards. A time period is indicated, during which another violation to the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility will automatically raise the question of a more severe sanction (suspension or expulsion), if the student is found in violation. Disciplinary Warning—A disciplinary sanction serving notice to a student that the student’s behavior has not met university standards. This sanction remains in effect for a designated number of semesters of attendance. Verbal Warning—A verbal admonition to the student by a university staff member that the student’s behavior is inappropriate. Fines—Penalty fees payable to the university for violation of certain regulations within the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility. Restitution—A payment made for damages or losses to the university, as directed by the discipline officer.