Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

50 Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook Reasonable effort will be made to have the accused student/student organization misconduct considered expeditiously. If a student withdraws from the university or is no longer an active student, the university may, at its discretion, continue through the disciplinary process without the student’s participation, or place the disciplinary process on hold until the student’s attempted return to NSU. Students are not permitted to reenter NSU until all outstanding disciplinary cases are resolved. Additionally, degrees will not be conferred to students with pending disciplinary matters until all such matters are resolved. D.2 Student Judicial Resolution (SJR) Purpose—Provide students, who opt to take responsibility for an alleged charge(s), a way to accept responsibility without having a formal judicial conference. • This SJR option is only applicable to cases that are identified as an administrative judicial conference. • The SJR takes place during the premeeting. • If the student selects an SJR, the student waives their right to appeal. Procedures • Presenting the allegations: The specific allegations against the student will be presented within their Notice to Appear. The student reserves the right to review and read all relevant details and evidence. The student may also ask questions and seek clarification on the charges. • Accepting Responsibility: The student will be provided with an opportunity to accept responsibility for the alleged charges and sanctions during the premeeting. The SJR agreement form must be signed by the student during the premeeting. The SJR form will be added to the student’s case file. If the student is not in agreement with any part of the outcome, the adjudication process will continue as an administrative judicial conference. • Outcome Letter: If the student accepts responsibility and agrees that they would like an SJR, the student will receive an outcome letter within three business days. D.3 Judicial Conference A judicial conference is a meeting related to violation(s) that could not result in suspension, dismissal, or expulsion from the university. Conference Procedures Following notification of charges, the accused student/student organization must schedule a conference meeting with the designated discipline officer. If a student/student organization does not respond to a request to schedule a conference, the university reserves the right to continue its disciplinary procedure, conducting an in absentia conference. In addition, holds may be placed on a student’s account that restrict registration for future semesters. The conference is for the purpose of discussing the alleged violation(s) of the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility. The conference meeting will only be open to the accused student/student organization and the discipline officer. The accused student/student organization is presumed not responsible unless the student/student organization accepts responsibility, or is determined responsible