Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook 45 of privacy unless all parties being recorded are aware of, and consent to, such recordings. Students are prohibited from recording audio or video, or taking photographs in classrooms in all modalities (including online classes) without prior written permission from the instructor or pursuant to an approved disability accommodation. Students are further prohibited from reproducing, sharing, or disseminating class content recordings or any portion thereof with individuals who are not registered for the class. Engaging in such activities will be considered a breach of the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility and subject to disciplinary action. B.46 Video and/or Audio Copyright Violation Federal copyright law restricts the use and/or distribution of copyrighted video and audio recordings without appropriate licenses or permission. Any use or distribution of audio or video recordings without appropriate approvals, or any other violation of NSU’s copyright office is prohibited. Additional information, including NSU’s full copyright policies, is available from the NSU Copyright Office. B.47 Violation of Disciplinary Status/Conditions Violating university policies or procedures while currently on disciplinary status (including probation or suspension) for a previous violation is prohibited. This may serve as grounds for a university judicial hearing. B.48 Worthless Checks Students who make and/or deliver checks to NSU—or any of its affiliates—that are not honored by a bank for proper cause shall be subject to a charge for administrative costs, restitution, and disciplinary action. C. University Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Policy The complete and most current NSU Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Policy is available online at nova.edu /title-ix. The Title IX Resolution Procedures are used to investigate and resolve formal complaints of sexual harassment under Title IX, which include the following: 1. Quid pro quo Harassment by an Employee 2. Denial of Access 3. Title IX Sex Offense a. Nonconsensual sexual penetration b. Nonconsensual sexual contact c. Nonforcible sexual offenses d. Dating Violence e. Domestic Violence f. Stalking