Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook 41 destroy university records or evidence. Interference with university investigations, disciplinary proceedings, or records may result in disciplinary action. In an effort to foster and provide an environment free from bias or prejudice for the parties involved, publication (verbal or written communication) regarding any university investigatory, administrative, disciplinary, or judicial proceeding is prohibited, if the publication is deemed by the appropriate official overseeing the proceeding to compromise the impartiality and integrity of the proceeding. This does not prohibit the student from filing a grievance or complaint as provided in this handbook or through any outside governmental agency. Communication related to the proceeding will be limited to identified individuals using administrative discretion. B.26 Lake Swimming Swimming in any lake, canal, and/or body of water on the NSU campus or being in the shark fountain is strictly prohibited and any violations of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action. B.27 Littering/Projecting Objects Students may not throw, discard, place, or deposit litter or project objects from university buildings or on university grounds except in receptacles provided for such purposes. B.28 Misuse of Computers or Telecommunications (Technology) Violation of University Computer and Telecommunications Policy is prohibited (as detailed in Section A.15). B.29 Noise The university noise policy is based on the belief that all students have a responsibility to respect the rights, health, security, and safety of other university and community members. Excessive noise that disturbs the campus environment, unless approved by the Office of the Senior Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, or designee, for a special event, is prohibited. Students are held responsible for the actions of their guests. B.30 Online/Internet Social Networking Usage All students are responsible for their postings on the Internet and/or social networking sites. Prohibited usage of Internet/social networking sites may include • stalking, harassing, or threatening another person or group • creating language on a social network that is threatening, vulgar, or derogatory • displaying or being displayed in an activity that violates federal, state, or local law and/or any regulation outlined elsewhere in the NSU Student Handbook