Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

40 Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook B.23 Health and Safety NSU recognizes that certain life-threatening behavior (e.g., suicide threats, gestures, or attempts; eating disorders; substance abuse; threats, gestures, or attempts to harm others) is a sign of personal distress. The university is committed to helping students alleviate whatever stress factors are precipitating lifethreatening behavior by providing support and/or referral through use of appropriate resources. However, since it is critically important to maintain civility and respect for all members of the university community, it is recognized that action must be taken when such behavior is considered by the university to be disruptive to and unacceptable in the academic and social/living environment. The determination of a student’s participation and progress is to be made by the Student Behavioral Concerns Committee. NSU reserves the right to place conditions upon—or require the withdrawal of—a student from enrollment, university housing, or participation in any program, service, or activity offered by NSU, or to prohibit the student’s physical presence on university campuses and properties when the student’s continuation or presence therein, in the university’s judgment, is detrimental to the health or safety of the student or others. Policies and procedures associated with the Student Behavioral Concerns Committee can be found on the NSU Student Conduct website at nova.edu/studentconduct/Student%20Behavioral%20Concerns%20 Committee%20Policies.html. Concerns about the well-being of a student can be reported at nova.edu /studentconduct/report-a-concern.html. Any action(s) taken by the Student Behavioral Concerns Committee does not preclude disciplinary action by NSU. B.24 Identification Cards University identification cards (SharkCards) may only be used by the student whose name appears on the card. Any alteration or illegal use of university identification cards is prohibited. SharkCards that are misused are subject to confiscation by university personnel. Other Identification Cards: Possession of an identification card that bears another person’s likeness or contains false demographic information is prohibited. This includes all altered, blank, forged, stolen, borrowed, fictitious, counterfeit, or unlawfully issued driver’s license or identification cards. Identification cards meeting any of these criteria will be confiscated from students found with them in their possession and will be turned in to the Office of Student Conduct and/or the Public Safety Department (NSU Public Safety) as evidence of misuse and policy violation. B.25 Interference with University Investigations, Disciplinary Proceedings, or Records Interference with university investigations, administrative procedures, or disciplinary proceedings, or judicial proceedings such as those conducted by NSU Public Safety, the Office of the Senior Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, the Department of Residence Life, or any other university office authorized to conduct investigations or disciplinary proceedings is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of force, threat of force, coercion, communications about proceedings in which causes disruption or compromises impartiality, actual disruption of proceedings, or promise of reward to any person or property of persons involved in university investigations or disciplinary proceedings. No person may, without authorization, examine, take possession of, alter, or destroy university investigations or