Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

38 Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook • driving under the influence is not a minor traffic offense for purposes of this policy, and must be disclosed • if they are currently incarcerated or will be incarcerated upon or during enrollment at NSU Any such information must be disclosed in writing within 10 days of its occurrence to the dean of students, unless the student is applying to, or enrolled in, a college within the NSU Health Professions Division, in which case the disclosure must be made to the dean of the student’s college. Failing to disclose or timely disclose, omitting, or providing false information relating to any of the above may result in rescission of admissions offers or disciplinary action against a student, up to, and including, dismissal from NSU. A student’s criminal history may have a significant impact on the student’s ability to participate in the educational programs of NSU and its affiliates. As such, even if properly disclosed, NSU reserves the right to request additional information concerning any of the above from the student, and to take further action pursuant to the NSU Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility, up to, and including, potential dismissal from NSU. B.16 False Information (Including Fabrication, Fraud, and Falsification of Records) Any act or statement (written or oral) containing false, incomplete, or misleading information intended to deceive or misrepresent any agency of the university or any person or business is prohibited. Providing false or misleading information to the university or a university official, or to a local, state, or national agency or official is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility, subjecting a student to disciplinary action, up to, and including, expulsion or rescission. The impersonation of a university official or office is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility and may subject a student to disciplinary action, up to, and including, dismissal from NSU. In addition, falsification of university records is prohibited. University records include, but are not limited to, admission, enrollment, registration, financial aid, student disciplinary, academic, health records, parking decals/hang tags, and student employment records. Inappropriate conduct and violations of this policy will be addressed by the appropriate procedures and agents (e.g., the Office of the Senior Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs or the Office of Human Resources) depending on the individual’s affiliation with the university. B.17 Fire No student shall commit or aid in the intentional commission of an act that results in a fire being ignited, which causes damage, or is intended to cause damage, to the property of the university or the personal property of any member of the university community. B.18 Gambling and/or Games of Chance Gambling may include, but is not limited to, wagering on or selling betting-pools on any athletics or other event; possessing on one’s person, premises (e.g., rooms, residence unit, car), or in a computer account or electronic format, any card, book, or other device for registering bets; knowingly using or permitting the use of one’s premises or one’s telephone or other electronic communication device for