Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

34 Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook If an individual observes someone entering an exclusive-use restroom or changing facility designated for a different sex, the individual may report their concern to the NSU Public Safety Department at (954) 262-8999. Individuals who believe NSU is not compliant with Florida Statute § 553.865 may report it to the Florida attorney general. B. Specific Conduct Violations This section applies to all students. The term “students” includes any individual enrolled in a course or academic program offered by NSU, whether in a degree-seeking program or not, including during any periods of inactivity in enrollment, such as during leaves of absences, or during temporary lapses in registration. Students may be held accountable through this code when a violation is reported, regardless of whether such act occurred on or off campus or in connection with an NSU-sponsored or affiliated event. B.1 Alcoholic Beverages Failure to comply with the Alcoholic Beverages Policy (as included in Section A) is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: • possession of beverage(s) containing alcohol by any person younger than the age of 21, including residue or remnants of alcohol that may be found in glassware (including the presence of the aforementioned within a student’s room or contained within their possessions or vehicle) • consumption or use of alcohol by any person younger than the age of 21 • intoxication requiring evaluation and/or treatment by emergency personnel • possession or use of any paraphernalia that enables the playing of ‘‘drinking games’’ or other activities that encourage binge drinking • unlicensed distribution of beverage(s) containing alcohol, including the purchase for and/or delivery of alcohol to any individual(s) younger than the age of 21 • operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of beverage(s) containing alcohol, or possession of open containers of beverage(s) containing alcohol, while in a vehicle, or while parked or in operation • public intoxication on campus or at university-sponsored events or programs, regardless of age B.2 Animals No pets or animals, other than fish, are permitted on the NSU campus, including all residence halls, with the exception of assistance animals (trained service animals or approved emotional support animals). There are different policies/processes for trained service animals and emotional support animals. The Service and Support Animal Policy can be found on the Student Disability Services website. Students seeking an approved emotional support animal must complete the Housing/Facility Accommodation Request Form and provide documentation to support the accommodation request. The form and documentation guidelines are available on the Student Disability Services website. Approved emotional support animals are only permitted in NSU residence halls and may not be taken elsewhere on the NSU campus or into other university property or facilities. Students who need a service animal in