Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

32 Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook Electronic Mail Communications NSU requires students and faculty and staff members to hold and maintain one official university computer account that is used to access major computing resources, including electronic mail. These university-assigned computer accounts correspond directly to NSU email addresses (see the following). All official electronic mail communications directed to NSU students and faculty and staff members will be sent exclusively to NSU-assigned computer accounts to ensure timely and accurate delivery of information. All email communications between students and faculty and staff members, as well as administration must be sent from the students’ official NSU email account to the official NSU email account of the member of the faculty, staff, or administration. Web Pages—Use of Material You should assume that materials you find on the web are copyrighted unless a disclaimer or waiver is expressly stated. You may not place any materials owned by others (i.e., copyrighted works) on your web page(s) without the expressed permission of the copyright owner (e.g., graphic images from other web pages, articles, video, audio, photographs, software, or images scanned from published works). You may include short quotations of text provided you identify in an obvious way (e.g., in a footnote) the author and the work from which the quotation is taken. If you want to include something from another web page in one of your web pages, then link to it rather than copy it. The occurrence of plagiarism on your web page is subject to the same sanctions that apply to plagiarism in any other media. Images in the NSU graphics repository may be used on web pages without permission. Clip art images provided with licensed software may be used if permitted in the license agreement for such software. You may not place any pictures or videos of people on a web page without the expressed permission of the people in the picture or video. Every person has the right to privacy, which includes the right to restrict the use of each person’s own image. In addition, the picture or video may be protected by copyright. If you have received formal permission to use material owned by another, place the following notice on the page that contains the copied material: Copyright 2005 by (name of the copyright owner). Used with permission. Although a copyright notice is not required to assert your rights to your own original material, you may want to include a minimal notice of copyright in a web page footer when appropriate. When used, the copyright notice should appear as follows: • web pages − Copyright 2005 (your name). All rights reserved. • organization web pages (examples) − Copyright 2005 Cornell Law Review. All Rights Reserved. − Copyright 2005 Nova Southeastern University. All Rights Reserved. − Copyright 2005 NSU College of Computing and Engineering. All Rights Reserved. A.16 University Copyright and Patent Policy NSU seeks to promote respect for intellectual property and a culture of copyright compliance throughout its community. In an effort to ensure compliance university-wide, NSU has published the following policies: