Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook 29 Sororities and fraternities may also be governed by a governing council—the Panhellenic Council (PC), the Collegiate Fraternal Council (CFC), or Unified Greek Council (UGC). The policies, governing constitutions, bylaws, rules, and regulations of these councils shall not conflict with the rules and policies of NSU. NSU rules and regulations supersede any conflicting rules or regulations. The Office of Student Conduct shall conduct a thorough investigation to determine whether a case involving a student organization will result in charges of violation(s) of the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility and whether those charges will be seen through either a judicial conference or a judicial hearing. Conduct actions relating to fraternity and sorority student organizations, however, may be addressed in accordance with the student conduct procedures detailed in the Fraternity and Sorority Life Manual, at the discretion of the dean of students. See Section D. University Disciplinary Procedures for details on how these cases will be adjudicated. Any organization determined to be responsible for violating the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility will be sanctioned in accordance with the violation. Sanctions imposed as a result of a fraternity or sorority student-run disciplinary panel must be consistent with the purpose of the applicable governing constitution and bylaws of the organization as well as NSU. Student organizations may appeal any disciplinary sanction imposed upon them. Procedures for an appeal can be found in Section D. University Disciplinary Procedures in this handbook. A.15 University Computer and Telecommunications Use Policy The following five sections detail NSU’s policy related to the use of computing and information technology resources, email, and the Internet. The information is available at nova.edu/portal/oiit/policies. Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources and All Other Policies NSU’s Acceptable Use Policy provides guidelines for the appropriate and inappropriate use of the computing and information technology resources of NSU and can be found at nova.edu/portal /oiit/policies/forms/information-security-acceptable-use-policy.pdf. This policy applies to all users of the university’s information technology resources, including students, faculty and staff members, alumni, and guests of the university. Information technology resources include, but are not limited to, Internet/intranet/extranet-related systems, computing devices and related equipment, software, operating systems, storage media, network accounts providing electronic mail, Internet browsing, FTP data, local area networks, and listservs for which the university is responsible, as well as networks throughout the world to which the university provides computer access. NSU’s information technology resources are intended to be used for its programs of instruction and research and to conduct the legitimate business of the university. All users must have proper authorization for the use of the university’s information technology resources. Users are responsible for seeing that these computing resources are used in an effective, ethical, and legal manner. Users must apply standards of normal academic and professional ethics and considerate conduct to their use of the university’s information technology resources. Users must be aware of the legal and moral responsibility for ethical conduct in the use of information technology resources. Users have a responsibility not to abuse the network and resources, and to respect the privacy, copyrights, and intellectual property rights of others. In addition to the policy contained herein, usage must be in accordance with applicable university policies (see related policies listed at the end of this section) and applicable state and federal laws.