Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

28 Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook provides assessment of health and safety issues associated with traveling to international destinations, and it supplies important contact information for services and assistance in the event of an emergency. As per university policy, all faculty and staff members and students traveling to international destinations on NSU-related trips are required to complete the NSU Travel Registration process. A.12 Jurisdiction of University Policies and Procedures All students attending NSU shall be subject to this code. The term “students” includes any individual enrolled in a course or academic program offered by NSU, whether in a degree-seeking program or not, including during any periods of inactivity in enrollment, such as during leaves of absences or temporary lapses in registration. Students may be held accountable through this code when a violation is reported, regardless of whether such act occurred on or off campus, or in connection with an NSU-sponsored or affiliated event. A.13 Off-Campus Residency The university does not approve, inspect, or supervise any off-campus student residences. The university does expect, however, that students living off campus will conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect credit on themselves and the university, which includes observing all local, state, and federal laws as well as all rules and regulations contained in this handbook. In the event of a change of residence from on-campus housing to an off-campus location, a student should notify the Office of the University Registrar of the new address. A.14 Student Organization Rights and Responsibilities All NSU students are eligible to join university student organizations. Student organizations must be registered with the Office of Campus Life and Student Engagement each year in order to be considered a student organization with rights and privileges on campus, including the reservation and/or use of university facilities. Information on establishing any other type of student organization or maintaining a current one can be obtained by contacting the Office of Campus Life and Student Engagement at the Don Taft University Center, or online at nova.edu/campuslife/organizations/registration.html. With the exception of fraternities and sororities, the Office of Campus Life and Student Engagement grants final approval for the creation of student organizations. All student organizations are under the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Office of Student Conduct. All student organizations and groups are subject to the rules and policies of NSU, including, but not limited to, the NSU Student Handbook and the Policies and Procedures for Student Organizations. The right of a student organization, including a fraternity or a sorority, to exist at the university may be revoked by the university at any time. The policies and procedures for establishing a new fraternity or sorority on campus can be obtained by contacting the Fraternity and Sorority Life Office, which grants approval for the establishment of all fraternal organizations on campus. Additional information regarding the policies for Greek organizations is available through the Fraternity and Sorority Life Manual.