Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

24 Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook medical status. Students should submit their statement to their program dean or appropriate designee based on the policies of their respective college/academic center. • Within reason, the university will make arrangements for the infected person, whenever possible, to ensure continuity in the classroom. • No infected student may be dismissed from the university solely on the basis of a diagnosis of an infection of a contagious disease. A decision to dismiss or discharge will only be made after appropriate arrangements to assist the student have been attempted, and an examination of facts demonstrates that the infected person can no longer perform essential requirements of the position or program, with or without such arrangements, or poses a reasonable threat to the health and safety of others. In the event that a student has a concern about the potential for the spread of a communicable disease within the university community, those concerns should be brought to the Office of the Senior Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs for review consistent with the current available information on the spread of the particular communicable disease. After review and evaluation of the concerns, if there appears to be a reasonable likelihood of the spread of the disease within the university community by an infected person, the Office of the Senior Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs will, after notification of the issues presented to the university president, contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and/or Florida Department of Health in Broward County for recommendations of appropriate action consistent with state law. A.7 Student Account Holds A bursar hold is placed on a student’s account on the 30th day of the semester if a balance is still due. The bursar hold prevents students from accessing student services, including, but not limited to, campus residence hall check-in, future registration, and use of the NSU RecPlex. Other university entities, such as the Office of the University Registrar and the Office of Student Conduct, may place a hold on a student’s account for different reasons. Students must contact the office that initiated the hold(s) to discuss what requirements must be met to have the hold(s) removed. To view their hold(s), students must log in to SharkLink. A.8 Image Use Statement As part of the Student Enrollment Agreement (SEA), which students are required to read and accept with their first registration each year, students consent to the following Image Use Statement: I permit and authorize Nova Southeastern University (NSU) and its employees, agents, representatives, contractors, and personnel who are acting on behalf of NSU to take and/or obtain my photograph, name, alias, video and/or audio recording, or other likeness of myself, or any combination thereof, at any public NSU-related events or at any public areas on NSU’s property (hereinafter, “my likeness”). I further grant NSU permission to utilize my likeness for commercial purposes including publicity, marketing, and promotion for NSU and its programs, without compensation to me, to the extent permissible under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). I understand and consent to NSU copying, reproducing, and distributing my likeness in any media format. I further understand that my likeness may be subject to reasonable modification and/or editing and waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product or material in which NSU may eventually use my likeness. I acknowledge that