Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

20 Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook A.2 Appropriate Conduct and Consensual Relationships Policy Sexual relationships between an NSU faculty or staff member or an administrator and a student—who are not married to each other, or who do not have a preexisting analogous relationship—is inappropriate whenever the NSU faculty or staff member or administrator has or will have a professional responsibility for the student in such matters as teaching a course or in otherwise evaluating, supervising, or advising a student as part of a school program. An NSU faculty or staff member or administrator who is closely related to a student by blood or marriage, or who has a preexisting analogous relationship with a student, should eschew roles involving a professional responsibility for the student. See Guidelines for Appropriate Conduct and Ethical Behavior for Employees Policy for full text. A.3 Drug-Free Schools and Campuses In order to comply with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (Pub. L. No. 101-226, Title 34 C.F.R., part 86), NSU has adopted the following policy for all academic units, campus, and field-based programs. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of illicit drugs* and alcohol are prohibited, in—and on—NSU-owned and/or controlled property and as a part of any of its activities. No NSU student shall report to school while under the influence of any illicit drugs or alcohol. The possession of paraphernalia for unlawful drug use is also prohibited. * The term “illicit drugs” refers to all illegal drugs and to legal drugs obtained or used without a physician’s order. It does not prohibit the use of prescribed medication under the direction of a physician. However, in accordance with federal law, NSU does not permit the possession or use of marijuana on NSU property or during NSU-sponsored activities for any purpose. As such, the possession or use of medical marijuana, even if authorized under state law, is prohibited on NSU property and during NSU-sponsored activities. Any NSU student determined to have violated this policy will be subject to referral for prosecution by the appropriate authorities. Other sanctions include evaluation/treatment for drug use disorder (which may include mandatory completion of a drug/alcohol abuse rehabilitation program) or other university sanctioning up to, and including, expulsion. There are serious health risks associated with the abuse of drugs and alcohol. If you, a fellow student, teacher, or coworker has a problem with abuse of drugs and/or alcohol, help can be provided at programs at NSU and in the community. Additional information is available on the Office of Student Conduct website nova.edu/studentconduct. NSU Programs Community Programs Center for Student Counseling and Well-Being For an appointment, call (954) 424-6911 or (954) 262-7050. Student Affairs Building, 3rd floor 3300 S. University Drive Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328-2004 nova.edu/studentcounseling Florida Department of Education, Office of Safe Schools 325 West Gaines Street, Room 1444 Tallahassee, FL 32399 (850) 245-0416 • SDFS@fldoe.org fldoe.org/safe-schools