Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

16 Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook • Referencing the works of another author—All academic work submitted for credit or as partial fulfillment of course requirements must adhere to each academic program’s specific accepted reference manuals and rules of documentation. Standards of scholarship require that the writer give proper acknowledgment when the thoughts and words of another author are used. Students must acquire a style manual approved by their program and become familiar with accepted scholarly and editorial practice in their program. Students’ work must comport with the adopted citation manual for their particular center. At NSU, it is plagiarism to represent another person’s work, words, or ideas as one’s own without use of a center-recognized method of citation. Deviating from center standards is considered plagiarism at NSU. • Tendering of information—All academic work must be the original work of the student. Knowingly giving or allowing one’s work to be copied, giving out exam questions or answers, or releasing or selling term papers is prohibited. This includes the posting of course content, exam questions and/ or answers, or other work submitted for academic credit to online sources or otherwise making such materials publicly available without the prior consent of appropriate faculty members and/ or their academic program. • Acts prohibited—Students should avoid any impropriety, or the appearance thereof, in taking examinations or completing work in pursuance of their educational goals. Violations of academic responsibility include, but are not limited to, the following: − plagiarism − any form of cheating − conspiracy to commit academic dishonesty − misrepresentation − bribery in an attempt to gain an academic advantage − forging or altering documents or credentials − knowingly furnishing false information to the institution • Additional matters of ethical concern—Where circumstances are such as to place students in positions of power over university personnel, inside or outside the institution, students should avoid any reasonable suspicion that they have used that power for personal benefit or in a capricious or arbitrary manner. Academic Inactivity Policy NSU requires all students to make consistent progress toward obtaining an eligible degree or certificate program at the university. Any student who does not complete a course and earn credit(s) for three consecutive semesters/four terms will be considered inactive and withdrawn from the university, excluding any semesters/terms where the student is on an approved leave of absence, administrative break in enrollment, or other university-approved period of temporary absence. Students withdrawn pursuant to this policy who wish to continue their academic program are required to follow the readmission process as detailed in their college or academic program’s student handbook/catalog. Readmission is solely at the discretion of the student’s college or academic program and may include specific conditions, including the repeat of courses or the entirety of the academic program, when deemed appropriate by the college/academic program. Additionally, students may be subject to the admissions standards and academic program requirements as outlined in the student handbook/catalog