Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

College of Optometry (CO)—Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Vision Science 2024–2025 137 In the event that the student disagrees with the resolution offered by the instructor, the student may appeal the decision to the program director with a written description of the dispute within five business days of notification of the instructor’s decision. The student may not include new material in this letter of appeal if it was available to the student at the time the original dispute with the instructor was filed. The program director’s decision is final. In the event that the student disputes a final grade in a course as it will be entered on the student’s transcript, the elements in the dispute must be confined to events that took place at the end of the course. These may include, but are not confined to, miscalculation of a final score or grade in the final examination, provided the appeal is filed within five business days of the notification of results; violation of the procedure laid out in the syllabus, unless the instructor has announced, in advance, a change in the syllabus; transposition errors in recording the grade; or arbitrary actions taken in isolation from the rest of the class. A student is specifically barred from disputation of quiz or examination grades or any other graded exercise for which the five-day deadline has passed. A student may not arbitrarily bypass any of the elements of this appeal procedure. All appeals must begin with the instructor of record and follow the sequence outlined in this student handbook. Incomplete Coursework A student receiving an incomplete (I) in any course must complete the course requirements within the term immediately following receipt of the incomplete grade, or the grade will become a fail (F). An instructor may, at the instructor’s sole discretion, demand that course requirements be completed on a shorter timescale than one term. A grade of I is appropriate only when a valid excuse for failing to complete the work—such as personal illness severe enough to seek medical help, severe illness or death within the third degree of kin, or other legitimate but unforeseen circumstances—has been validated. If a student fails to fulfill course requirements without a legitimate excuse, and it is inappropriate to award the grade of incomplete, a grade of F should be awarded. Penalty for Late Registration NSU’s CO uses an online registration method. Information regarding the registration procedure, as well as opening and closing dates for registration will be disseminated to all students via email messages. A fee may be imposed for registration that does not take place within the designated time frame. Academic Standing, Readmission, and Remediation Students in the Pre-Optometry Program (POP) must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.00 (83 on a numerical scale) to qualify for admission into the traditional optometry program. Students in the POP program are not eligible for reexaminations, readmission, remediation, or administrative breaks in enrollment. Students in the optometry program who are seeking a B.S. in Vision Science degree are classified under the categories listed in the traditional program section. Reexamination, readmission, remediation, and administrative break in enrollment policies for students in the optometry program are defined in the traditional program section.