Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

College of Optometry (CO) 2024–2025 129 may only counsel the student and may not actively participate in the hearing, unless clarification is needed as determined by the Honor Council. 10. I n cases requiring special expertise, the Honor Council chair may appoint individuals with appropriate expertise to serve as consultants to the Council. The consultants may be present and provide information as called upon by the chair during the hearing. 11. I nformation regarding the identities of those involved in a hearing and all hearing proceedings shall remain strictly confidential in accordance with applicable law. 12. T he Honor Council will deliberate at the conclusion of the hearing in a closed session. Invited guests will be dismissed. The recommendation of the Honor Council following the completion of the Honor Council deliberations will be submitted to the dean. 13. I t is within the purview of the chair to require verbal participation of all Honor Council members in the deliberations. Section 4. Minor deviations from procedures An accused student(s), in collaboration with the Honor Council chair, may agree in advance to minor procedural deviations. Such deviations are not then subject to appeal. Other minor deviations are acceptable as long as such deviations do not materially prejudice the accused student(s). Section 5. Voting Voting will occur following deliberations by the Honor Council. The standard of proof shall be a preponderance of the evidence. 1. Voting will occur to determine • whether or not a violation of the CO Rules of Conduct has been committed for each charge • what disciplinary sanction(s) and/or grade change should be applied or authorized for each charge, when a violation of the CO Rules of Conduct has been committed 2. Voting will be conducted by secret ballot. A simple majority is required to find a student in violation of the CO Rules of Conduct. In addition, a simple majority is required to determine the sanctions. 3. The outcome and vote for each issue will be recorded and documented in the report of the Honor Council, which is provided to the dean. Section 6. Disciplinary Sanctions and Grade Change Authorization If the Honor Council finds a violation, disciplinary sanctions related to the violation, including, but not limited to, authorization of a maximum grade change will be recommended to the dean. If a violation is not affirmed, the matter will be considered concluded and the dean will be notified that the matter has concluded. All sanctions require a majority vote by the Honor Council. In all cases, the accused shall be verbally informed that the court is a recommending body to the dean and the final decision is made by the dean.